USPS-Rural Carriers denied route evaluations and working contract less since MayPlease sign my petition to help Rural Carriers be treated fairly. Thank you!3,070 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by B Nelson
Unionize IYR 2021The only way our working conditions and wages will improve is if we all band together to tell our employers that they are not entitled to our labor until they treat us all much more fairly. Our current wages are barely enough to scrape by when considering that after taxes, there's still a struggle to cover rent, bills, groceries, vehicle maintenance, pets and any unexpected injuries or accidents. Our current working conditions are hostile almost daily, typically in the form of coworkers having disagreements and getting into screaming / yelling matches (often in front of donors and / or customers) that go largely unresolved by management; these disagreements also commonly end in "behind each other's backs" comments that often lead to further disagreements that, again, end in one of these two ways. When asked to help resolve many of these issues, management has commonly responded with some remark about or similar to being "unable" to do anything about it.1 of 100 Signatures
KEEPING CURRENT PLANT MANAGEROur current plant manager knows his stuff and when you go to him with work related problem he will at least take time to listen!1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Michael Ewing
Please Pay On A ScheduleSo we can finally get some order to the craziness! This is just a start to show everyone we DO have rights. We just have to know them and be willing to fight for them.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Cortney Green
Custodial Workers Deserve RESPECT AND SAFETY-Petición dirigida a Jim Kari, director de los Servicios del Planta Física Nosotros, los empleados custodiales de UC Santa Cruz, exigimos cobertura adecuada para el aumento número de estudiantes para mantener seguras las operaciones custodiales, mantener seguros a los estudiantes, y para minimizar las lesiones a los trabajadores. El departamento de custodio tiene que PARAR de hacer excusas y debe de llenar puestos vacantes de carrera de tiempo completo. Estamos sobrecargados y bajo el estrés insostenible de cubrir puestos vacantes. La escasez de personal afecta negativamente nuestras condiciones de trabajo y la gerencia sigue sin respetar nuestra señoría, lo que afecta nuestra moral. El departamento ha presionado a los empleados custodiales a trabajar en exceso, lo que pone en riesgo nuestra salud y seguridad. ¡La falta de personal e inaceptables cargas de trabajo ya no pueden ser ignoradas! ¡Estamos preparados para hacer lo que sea necesario para que los estudiantes de UCSC obtengan el mejor servicio y los trabajadores consigan suficiente personal para evitar lastimaduras! A pesar de la narrativa de la UC de que la pandemia de coronavirus ha terminado, los casos de COVID continúan en California, afectando a estudiantes, trabajadores y, en particular, a los trabajadores sindicalizados de la UCSC. Los trabajadores custodiales de AFSCME 3299 siguen enfrentando un ambiente tóxico en los edificios de UCSC. Los trabajadores son la columna vertebral de UCSC, mantienen la limpieza de los edificios, literalmente permitiendo que los edificios puedan ser abiertos. Su trabajo se vuelve aún más importante ahora con el regreso de los estudiantes al campus. A medida que aumenta el riesgo de propagación del coronavirus, la importancia de un equipo de conserjes con el personal adecuado es primordial no solo para la seguridad de los estudiantes y profesores, sino también para los propios trabajadores. Los trabajadores se enorgullecen en su trabajo, pero cuando el departamento rutinariamente engaña al equipo de trabajadores para que trabajen en exceso, su seguridad se ve comprometida y sienten que no pueden ejecutar adecuadamente sus funciones. Esto conduce a sentimientos de intensa ansiedad y miedo. Adicionalmente, los trabajadores de AFSCME 3299 desean detener las muertes evitables por COVID-19. En esto recordamos a Domingo Tovar, mayor operador automotriz y trabajador de AFSCME 3299 que manejaba autobús en el campus, quien murió por complicaciones de COVID-19 en abril de 2020. El departamento falla en apoyar a los trabajadores custodiales, quienes desean mantener a UCSC limpia y segura. En lugar de volver incluso a los niveles de personal previos a la pandemia, UCSC continúa su falta de personal en muchas áreas del campus. Este depende de las obligaciones de los trabajadores custodiales y de sus conexiones con su empleó, por lo que abusa de ellos al obligarlos a trabajar en exceso, limpiando áreas a un ritmo insostenible. El departamento podría fácilmente resolver esto simplemente con contratar al personal adecuado. Nosotros, los trabajadores y estudiantes de UCSC, exigimos que el departamento de custodial ponga fin a su práctica de falta de personal. Si UCSC respeta a sus trabajadores, el departamento custodial debe dejar de engañar a los trabajadores sobre sus responsabilidades y el personal adecuado de los trabajadores custodians. Exigimos que el director de departamento custodial se reúna con AFSCME 3299 y su comité para resolver estos problemas y hace decisiones.3,086 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by WSSC WSSC
LWOP Leave Without PayA time may come when a person may need to take time off of work. Maybe for a medical reason for themselves or their child and they don't have sick leave or annual leave to cover the time off and will be charged with LWOP Leave Without Pay. Not only will some people owe medical bills, they'll owe the post office also for using LWOP. Plus if the post office has taken the person step increase away for that person using LWOP you keep that person at the same rate of pay for years even up to retirement.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ramona De Groate
Estes overtime at 40It's time to take a stand and get paid what's right as we are the only reason there is an estes express.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by John Kararo
7-Eleven not allowing TipsIn a time where a labor shortage has gone beyond anything an owner could imagine finding a great employer has become a tremendously difficult task. Our customers coupled with our management like our employees to feel special, appreciated, and rewarded. In numerous occasions our clientele has requested to tip employees, thus a tip jar should be permitted. A small jar can go a large way and can allow employees to feel supported and get a bit extra during such a difficult time.9 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Noufel Aleem
Higher WagesSo Michaels craft stores are willing to show there employees as well as future employees they are willing to pay to keep good employees and help make the shopping easier for customers!4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Janette Kimble
Minimum Wage for Service SupportAren’t treated fairly and aren’t paid enough to make a living.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ostin Sinegarza
United states postal serviceTheres alot of postal employees some took time off for covid for no reason just to be off work and get pd for free those of us who had to keep working should be paid if you dont want to pay up give us our full retirement benefits and let us get the hell out of there1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Diane Rowell
Working without air conditioningIt gets really hot in the morning when you’re constantly going up and down ladders with no air conditioning. Being able to work with the a/c on would increase our work performance!674 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Abbie Wierzbicki