• Safe Working Conditions in Walgreens Pharmacies to Protect Patient Safety
    Pharmacists and pharmacy staff are often the first point of access for healthcare in the community. And we are the final safety net before a prescription reaches the patient. As such, we must be accountable to the oath of the pharmacist and be constantly vigilant in the world of pharmacy to ensure patient safety is preserved.
    5,690 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by PizzaIsNotWorking CA admin
  • Safe Working Conditions in CVS Pharmacies to Protect Patient Safety
    Pharmacists and pharmacy staff are often the first point of access for healthcare in the community. And we are the final safety net before a prescription reaches the patient. As such, we must be accountable to the oath of pharmacist and be constantly vigilant in the pharmacy to ensure patient safety is preserved.
    5,138 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by PizzaIsNotWorking CA admin
  • Justice for Insomnia Cookies Workers
    It is unfair for employers to flagrantly ignore labor laws and best practices, at the expense of workers who just want to support their families. Even if you don't work at Insomnia Cookies, you're still vulnerable to this kind of abuse in the workplace. If we stand in solidarity we can show all of our bosses how strong we are together. Please consider signing in support of our demands
    2,405 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Anonymous Activist
  • Protect independent contractors advertising on Thumbtack from Unfair Deactivations
    Someone with 4 1/2 to 5 star reviews with impeccable customer reviews that has been on the site for many years. Should not face deactivation out of the blue for a lone client complaint/issue.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jenny G.
  • Cardinal Health Workers Deserve Raises
    We love what we do and want Cardinal Health to practice what they preach since they create an image promoting accountability, essential to care, integrity, inclusive, and innovation. We are essential to care and it's essential that Cardinal Health employees to be cared for. Our company has more than enough income to take care of their employees. Cardinal Health currently is facing an Opioid Settlement agreement of 6 billion dollars, 13 million dollars to resolve allegations of kickbacks to physicians and still have the audacity to hold a townhall meeting with Deland, Florida employees on Wednesday March 1 of 2023 informing us we have a $4 billion + budget of investing in our facility but we will not be getting any raises this year. There's Cardinal Health locations that have sign on bonuses, higher pay for less job duties and we still get the shorter end of the stick for working more. We are essential to care and it's time for Cardinal Health to make it a priority to keep their employees happy and remind everyone in the company that our work is not being taken for granted due to greed and that we are all essential to care. Join us in calling Cardinal Health to invest more into their employees and ensure workers they have the respect and dignity we deserve at our workplace. Thank you for speaking out!
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cardinal Employee
  • Tell Aerotek, Workrise & PeopleReady to Make Renewables Jobs Fair, Safe, and Sustainable!
    Public pressure is one of the key ways to force AEROTEK, WORKRISE & PEOPLEREADY to improve the policies and working conditions that affect workers. Bad publicity means less money in its pockets, which is the only thing we know the corporate entities care about. If you sign the petition, you can send a powerful message that you are with us in our fight. Join us in calling on AEROTEK, WORKRISE & PEOPLEREADY to make renewable jobs fair, safe, and sustainable, ensuring workers can have the respect and dignity we deserve at our workplaces. Thank you for speaking out.
    2,444 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Green Workers
  • Chipotle Workers Need a Union!
    Workers are fighting everyday to fight for their rights. They deserve a right to stable work schedules, their premiums and a safe work place. They need your support!
    2,497 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Maya Howard
  • Classify Samsung US Sales Experts As Employees
    This is a human rights issue. There are LGBTQ+ individuals who rely on Samsung US and iAdvize as the only place who will accept them. These people need to be protected. There are single parents who rely on Samsung US and iAdvize as their sole source of income. These people need to be protected. There are disabled individuals who rely on Samsung US and iAdvize as the only job that will allow them the flexibility they need. These people need to be protected. There are college students and dropouts who rely on Samsung US and iAdvize as the only job that will allow them to work from home or their dorm. These people need to be protected. We are human beings who just want to help customers pick out a new phone, television, refrigerator, or laptop. But we'd also like to be treated with respect and be paid a living wage while doing it. We don't want something radical, we want something equitable.
    50 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Samsung Experts
  • Stop Discrimination At Sam's Club/Walmart
    Sam's Club and Walmart must stop all of the discrimination against employees with disabilities and elderly employees. We desperately need workers rights. Many Associates are afraid to speak up against Walmart and Sam club's harassments towards them, especially seniors. Stop Walmart from pitting associates against each other. I would like Sam's Club/Walmart to change for the better. I also would like union representation if associates chose to.
    31 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sandra Jensen
  • Disability Care Workers Demand Oversight Agency Enforce Dignified Work Standards!
    We are workers in disability services writing to address issues that impact us and the people we provide services to—people with developmental and intellectual disabilities in the greater Philadelphia region. As direct care workers, employment support professionals, personal care attendants, and other essential workers, we make it possible for many people to live and work in their communities, and without the revenue we bring in, the provider agencies we work for could not exist. However, despite our critical responsibilities, the work is not taken seriously, and consequently the well-being of disabled people is disregarded. ODP and provider agencies do not meet the needs of the people they allegedly serve because they do not invest in their workforce. Provider agencies do not pay most disability service workers a living wage, and they provide cursory, poor-quality training. Low wages and inadequate training lead to high turnover, chaotic workplace environments, and a workforce who is unprepared to meet the needs and desires of the people we serve. The high turnover rate combined with the lack of training disrupt peoples’ lives and increase the risk of preventable incidents, which often cause incredible trauma. ODP and provider agencies’ failure to invest in us as workers directly harms people with disabilities. We, as disability service workers, must be paid at least $15 an hour and be trained commensurate with the importance of our role in the lives of other human beings. ODP and provider agencies exclude disability service workers from the conversation about how to improve our field, and we demand to be recognized for our essential input. In addition, disabled people must be included in the conversation to center their needs, insight, and experience. Disabled people frequently do not have a choice about who is part of their lives or system of care and are more likely to experience abuse because they may depend on others to assist them. Those with direct experience of receiving services must be the primary authority on the value of the services they receive and the broader conversations around our field. We demand a comprehensive training system that prepares workers for their jobs that is developed and led by people with disabilities. It is not fair to the workers or to disabled people to be treated with such disregard. Workers need to be prepared for our jobs, and we deserve opportunities to grow and develop as professionals. Disabled people deserve well-trained workers who provide safe and steady support. They should not be placed in abusive or stressful situations or be forced to ask a stranger, friend, or relative to help them because they can’t trust their workers or the provider system to prioritize their well-being. The lack of recognition given to the importance of direct care work misses opportunities to create commitment in the job and enduring positive relationships with the community it intends to serve. We demand that the Pennsylvania Office of Developmental Programs and provider agencies of the Philadelphia area pay a wage of dignity and provide training commensurate with the great responsibility we have in supporting and caring for our fellow human beings. Once a critical mass of disability care workers sign onto the petition, we will deliver this petition and escalate to ensure ODP meets our demands.
    3,085 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Emergency Workplace Organizing Committee
  • Pay minimum wage for food food runnners
    They make less than a server and do all the servers work for them. It’s not equal pay. And can’t live off 2.83 an hour.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jess J
  • C is for Change - End unreasonable production demands at Cigna
    A very large portion of your call representatives are on the verge of quitting and live in constant fear of being fired. We are mentally drained, exhausted, frustrated, and our mental and physical health is suffering. Unfulfilled promises to IMPROVE and THINGS ARE GETTING WORSE INSTEAD OF BETTER!!!!
    3,057 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Cigna Call Center Reps for a better work Environment-Nationwide