• Publix produce cutters unite
    It's simple Publix Other cutters in other departments at Publix are paid a higher rate due to the fact that cutting is considered a skill and not everyone in the produce department can cut like a seasoned produce cutter. The fact remains we are being left out and I think this is a great platform to voice our option and reach the higher ups. We show up everyday and go through big bogos and big holidays at the same pay rate as other employees who are also extremely hard working. What we do is not easy and it does take skill so please pay us and treat us like everyone else who cuts at our stores.
    2,047 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Home V
  • Natural Grocers: Uphold Your Commitments to Crew and Community!
    We believe that these firings and targeting of employees, the affects these have on the wider community, and the steps Natural Grocers has taken to impede the rights of their workers to organize are in violation of the company’s proclaimed commitments to crew and community. Community is formed through relationships. Customers and crew have formed meaningful relationships over the years and those relationships can better inform company policies to better serve customers. This is a COMMUNITY CALL to UPHOLD Margaret Isley’s five founding principles (see more here: https://www.naturalgrocers.com/our-five-founding-principles) by respecting workers’ rights or organize and embracing the desired feedback structure of workers. We understand that COMMITMENTS require ACCOUNTABILITY, and evidence has shown us that the path to that accountability is a union for Natural Grocers workers. We do believe that the founders of Natural Grocers and the current leadership do genuinely care. We do believe that, unlike a company like Amazon, Natural Grocers could take the feedback of this petition and address our concerns. We hope they will not disappoint us. Community Member Testimony “The warmth and genuine conversations that I have with all of the crew is why I love shopping there, and I want them to feel just as comfortable and supported. It is really distressing to me that a store that I love, value, and respect is causing its employees to feel unsafe about asking for better working conditions, pay, and benefits. I hope that through incorporating the feedback of their employees, Natural Grocers can become an even healthier environment holistically because they value everyone who keeps the store flourishing.” Crew Member Testimony “I have been an employee at the Natural Grocers in Norman, Oklahoma, store #48, for over 8 years. I work very hard to connect intentionally with each customer I encounter and to find them what they need. I have brilliant and kind coworkers and former coworkers whom I have witnessed do the same. I have seen our store act as a community center in many ways. Whenever I go out in Norman, I almost always run into one of my regular customers and they greet me. I have watched children grow up in our store. My apron is filled with buttons and pins, many of them gifts from customers and others in my community. To this day, this is my favorite job I have ever had. But I am sad to say that the company and my little store are rapidly changing, and not for the better. I want a union because I do care deeply for my coworkers, my store, my community, and the future of the company. I believe that a union would provide a more accessible feedback and representation system for workers and that this would enable the company to better uphold their principals and goals.”
    4,314 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by NG Community United Picture
  • Safe Working Conditions in Walgreens Pharmacies to Protect Patient Safety
    Pharmacists and pharmacy staff are often the first point of access for healthcare in the community. And we are the final safety net before a prescription reaches the patient. As such, we must be accountable to the oath of the pharmacist and be constantly vigilant in the world of pharmacy to ensure patient safety is preserved.
    5,690 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by PizzaIsNotWorking CA admin
  • Safe Working Conditions in CVS Pharmacies to Protect Patient Safety
    Pharmacists and pharmacy staff are often the first point of access for healthcare in the community. And we are the final safety net before a prescription reaches the patient. As such, we must be accountable to the oath of pharmacist and be constantly vigilant in the pharmacy to ensure patient safety is preserved.
    5,138 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by PizzaIsNotWorking CA admin
  • Rehire Illegally Fired Union Activists
    Flight Attendants at SkyWest have been organizing a union in the face of serious interference from management, and Shane and Tresa are leaders on the campaign. The Railway Labor Act prohibits interference, influence, or coercion by management over the flight attendants’ choice of representative. And it is unlawful for management to retaliate against any worker engaging in concerted activity over issues of mutual concern. But enforcement rests with the federal courts and management may hope it can get away with their illegal actions long enough to stop Flight Attendants from organizing and gaining the right to collectively bargain. All this does is give a bad name to the carriers who contract with SkyWest - Alaska, United, American, and Delta. Even the notorious union busting at Delta has never so blatantly crossed the legal line for firing activists or forming an illegal company union. And make no mistake, in uncovering a serious security flaw in the company-sponsored voting system used by the company union, Shane and Tresa heroically stood up for what was right to alert their coworkers to the issue while demonstrating how easily votes can be manipulated. SkyWest is using their whistleblowing as pretext to fire these two prominent leaders on the union drive. But the company shouldn’t be involved in “union voting” at all. Sign our petition to demand that SkyWest immediately rehire Shane and Tresa. This union busting demonstrates why Flight Attendants at SkyWest are organizing. Stand with Flight Attendants and demand justice for Shane and Tresa.
    6,804 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by SkyWest AFA
  • Stop Jon Byrd. Fully investigate the cover up & protect Michigan workers
    Sisters Brothers and Family, It's not complicated. The Union is the best tool for working people to unite together and win improved wages and working conditions. The labor movement allows us working people to join together against powerful adversaries and advance our shared values. Right now there is something that stinks within the Michigan AFL-CIO. Time is up for Jon Byrd, the longtime Michigan Laborers' District Council External Affairs Director, South Central Michigan Area Labor Council President and Secretary of the Michigan AFL-CIO Advocates 501c3. The story finally made it to the press. Read the articles. These rumors have been brewing for decades. Now is the time for leadership to act. There is no neutral. Which side are you on? Sign on to my letter to national AFL CIO President Liz Shuler and the AFL CIO Executive Council. Michigan AFL CIO Leadership failed to protect members and the public. Now I am calling on national leadership to step in and do their job. Join me. Which side are you on?
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marti Murphy Picture
  • Shipt’s app glitches hurt all shoppers and violates CA’s Protect App-Based Drivers & Services Act
    Shipt’s platform glitches take time and money away from shoppers. Since Shipt has fully implemented The California Protect App-Based Drivers and Services act on it’s platform, California Shipt shoppers have been timed out erroneously from the platform due to an app glitch and shoppers have also reported to Shipt that they are not getting an accurate guaranteed minimum due to the current app glitch. In compliance with California’s Protect App-Based Drivers and Services Act, Shipt created a step on it’s platform requiring shoppers to swipe “Head to Store” when doing so as a way for Shipt to record a shoppers engaged time and miles. After an app update on Oct 20, 2022, shoppers began to notice an issue with the head to store time in the app. For delivery only orders, the head to store time changes by the minute and for Shop and Deliver orders the app resets, forcing shoppers to re-swipe Head to Store. In some cases, shoppers who have already started shopping, are forced to re-swipe and rescan the barcodes for all the items already shopped. This would also mean all the time spent shopping an order and miles driven to the store would not be accurate. According to California’s Protect App-Based Drivers and Services Act, “ride-share and delivery drivers deserve economic security.” Pursuant to this act, a network company shall ensure a guaranteed minimum for each app-based driver that cannot be reduced and shall apply for all engaged time spent completing that rideshare request or delivery request. The act defines “engaged miles” as all miles driven during engaged time and “engaged time” is defined as the period of time, as recorded in a network company’s online-enabled application or platform, from when an app-based driver accepts a rideshare request or delivery request to when the app-based driver completes that rideshare request or delivery request. Due to the nature in which Shipt offers its shoppers orders, the platform has created a swipe function to record its shoppers engaged time, however the app’s current glitch prevents Shipt from accurately recording shoppers engaged time and miles. Shoppers have reported the timed out app glitch to Shipt for over a year, and the current “Head to Store” app glitch to Shipt but Shipt has not given any notice to California shoppers indicating that it is aware of the problem nor have California shoppers received any reassurance that any long standing app issues are being addressed. These app glitches are in breach of California’s Protect App-Based Drivers and Services Act, which was overwhelmingly approved by California voters in 2020. Shipt states that it’s the drivers responsibility to swipe head to store when doing so in order for Shipt to record a shoppers engaged time and miles, but what recourse do shoppers have when shoppers have completed this step and are forced to do it again, erasing initial engaged time and miles?
    623 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Concerned Shipt Shoppers
    We all have families and mouths to feed, bills to pay, and we all know prices are skyrocketing because of inflation. Why wouldn't we want to be set up for success and able to make lots of money for our organization and employees. Our guests are very loyal, and deserve better, and so does this crew!! We don't want to risk getting our guests sick or get sick ourselves.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mitch Strait
  • Support Adoption STAR workers unionizing and fighting retaliation! 🧸⭐️
    Adoption STAR is an agency we have all poured our days, nights, and weekends into while we maintain our own families. Ethical adoption agencies are hard to find in a field with so many historical wrongs, so much exploitation and trauma to address - and we are truly proud to build and maintain STAR. We provide a unique and ethical service of pro-choice pregnancy options counseling and adoption planning, helping to unite expectant moms in an unexpected pregnancy with a family she can trust and maintain a relationship with. We find homes for older children who are unable to unite with their birth families and enduring the instability of foster care. We run a small international program. We prepare families painstakingly for all of the above. From the office, the field, to the hospital, we field calls, maintain confidentiality and legal compliance, and are with people as they go through life-changing events in their families. 💔 But some of us struggle when we try to grow our own families, or even to make ends meet. 💸 🚑👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 We do not receive any assistance with cost-sharing for our dependents in our healthcare plan, severely cutting into our wages. One of our workers makes only a few hundred dollars in her paychecks despite being a full-time master's level professional, to insure her family. 🤱🤯 We do not have a standard for parental leave, leading to inconsistent and inadequate solutions when we become parents. 📝💰 We face strict compliance and administrative tasks as a child welfare agency, but these positions salaries and supports are inconsistent and low compared to local standards. We found that a new member of this team was making the same amount as a worker who had been here 3 years. 😷🦠 We have not received employee health specialist fittings for N95s for our clinical staff that goes into hospitals. One worker has contracted COVID and then had to be off work from her vulnerable expectant clients for extended time. ☎️🕐 We regularly work on-call without guaranteed coverage to make up the hours that burn us out, and always without compensation. When we began organizing, we knew we would make the agency an even more ethical place we were proud to serve at. Instead, four employees who spoke up about our COVID exposures, wages, and unmanageable caseloads were illegally fired. Another worker resigned out of opposition. As of the time of our election, three more pro-union workers overwhelmed with being lied to and intimidated daily, while still faced with inadequate compensation, left. These staff were given no reason or warning of the action taken against their livelihoods, alarming our clients and STAR’s remaining employees. Together, they've given years of service and built their programs, and leave behind several urgent and active cases. This action has increased all of our urgent workloads drastically and unexpectedly. This action has damaged the agency’s reputation, connection to our clients, and ongoing cases. It has the potential to damage our relationships to the entities who partner with us. This action, as it was taken without warning or explanation, has left the remaining staff fearful with no guidance on how to maintain our own employment. We ethically cannot leave the families, moms, dads, and children we serve in the dark. We are organizing because we love Adoption STAR... and we ARE Adoption STAR. Please support our efforts. Thank you for your solidarity - we are going to make it through this together. 🧸⭐️
    774 of 800 Signatures
    Created by STARs United Picture
  • Starbucks Board Needs to Get Their Heads Out of the Sand and Treat Union Organizers with Respect
    Many petitions exist for specific Starbucks issues. Others ask for our support in being pro-union. Some place partners in a precarious situation and so they are afraid to speak up. While it is frowned upon to retaliate against workers, the law is slow, unevenly enforced, and often not harsh enough to deter companies from behaving this way. For example, if an employer is deemed to have wrongfully terminated an employee, they are only required to rehire and “back pay” but they are allowed to dock any wages made at another job during that time. For more information on unfair treatment and the history of the labor movement, I highly recommend Steven Greenhouse’s “Beaten Down, Worked Up” book or the ACLU’s summary on legislation linked below. This petition is for everyone who is cringing at how the company they used to be proud of working for is behaving. For those who want the mud-slinging to stop. For those who want to show their dissent but don’t know how. For partners that have tried talking to their managers and up the chain of command and are tired of dead ends. For anyone who wants corporate to stop closing their eyes with their fingers in their ears— to make them to acknowledge that what they’re doing is ugly and hard to watch, for workers, customers, and onlookers alike. Baristas are pouring their hearts out into #whyweorganize and it is highlighting disturbing trends and actions by a company that hides behind virtue signaling. Other links: - https://inthesetimes.com/article/union-busters-starbucks-labor-buffalo - https://www.nlrb.gov/news-outreach/nlrb-administrative-law-judge-finds-starbucks-illegally-retaliated-against-two - https://www.huffpost.com/entry/starbucks-fired-union-leaders-labor-law_n_6204166be4b083bd1cb94d8f/amp - https://time.com/6150391/starbucks-cassie-fleischer-union-fight/ - https://www.aclu.org/other/collective-bargaining-and-civil-liberties - https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/miami-dade/hialeah/article259339379.html - https://apps.nlrb.gov/IssuedDocument/YOOHM6SZ1O6BCDP5EBWB3Y4ZYWYOUCCDYH2PRYTFGMMSVK34CBT63BE6GV4JDJGN50AB1205
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nick Cavulli
  • Classify Samsung US Sales Experts As Employees
    This is a human rights issue. There are LGBTQ+ individuals who rely on Samsung US and iAdvize as the only place who will accept them. These people need to be protected. There are single parents who rely on Samsung US and iAdvize as their sole source of income. These people need to be protected. There are disabled individuals who rely on Samsung US and iAdvize as the only job that will allow them the flexibility they need. These people need to be protected. There are college students and dropouts who rely on Samsung US and iAdvize as the only job that will allow them to work from home or their dorm. These people need to be protected. We are human beings who just want to help customers pick out a new phone, television, refrigerator, or laptop. But we'd also like to be treated with respect and be paid a living wage while doing it. We don't want something radical, we want something equitable.
    50 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Samsung Experts
  • Stop Putting Profit Over People
    This is extremely important because this company needs to realize that we are people and deserve to be treated better and paid properly. We work hard for our tips and it is completely unfair that although the guest is not forced to tip me, I am forced to tip out the food runner, whether I made money or not. We are already not getting paid any extra with the virtual kitchens they've put in place without our consent, which are completely exploiting us for Corporate greed but now they're literally taking money from our pockets to pay the staff for a new role that they chose to add, that no one needed or asked for.
    8,199 of 9,000 Signatures
    Created by Alexandra Torres Picture