• Stop Discrimination At Sam's Club/Walmart
    Sam's Club and Walmart must stop all of the discrimination against employees with disabilities and elderly employees. We desperately need workers rights. Many Associates are afraid to speak up against Walmart and Sam club's harassments towards them, especially seniors. Stop Walmart from pitting associates against each other. I would like Sam's Club/Walmart to change for the better. I also would like union representation if associates chose to.
    31 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sandra Jensen
  • Protect Workers and Stop Sexual Harassment
    The issue of sexual harassment and inappropriate behavior at Chili's is unacceptable, but it's also reflective of the entire restaurant industry, as a whole. We need to make a change for all future restaurant workers because no one should have to endure exploitation, sexual harassment, or bullying in the workplace.
    3,938 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by John M.
  • Investigate NYC Health & Hospitals (T2), Optum/UnitedHealth Group and their recruiting agencies
    In order to help stop the spread of this virus and keep everyone safe, we are on the frontlines daily in preventing the spread of COVID-19 infections across NYC, one of the most populated cities. We do this with compassion, empathy and integrity. We can all say that we take pride in doing some of the most important work during this pandemic by helping to fight the spread of COVID-19 as Contact Trace Monitors & Case Investigators. We are notifying the community and their loved ones on a number of resources and offering them public health guidance. We sometimes play the role of disease detective, social work and therapist, yet we are severely underpaid for our contracted or hired roles. We are under immense stress because of abuse of power, toxic workplace culture, lack of transparency and misclassification of employment status. As Contact Trace Monitors & Case Investigators, it's time that we all unite in signing this petition. Please feel free to share with your fellow coworkers and ONLY use personal email address when sharing. Call To Action: ***If these matters are not addressed within 45 days from today, we all agree that this petition be escalated to the media and/or higher government officials***
    308 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Good Citizen
  • 7901's Petition for Change
    Sharon has caused multiple amazing employees to lose all motivation do their job, or to even show up for their job. The employees dread coming into work because they know the unfair situations in which we must work in. Sharon condones rude selfish behavior with her favoritism towards a single employee who refuses to follow our standards or even learn her duties to the fullest extent. Sharon let's her do anything she pleases, including treating the other staff like they are below her, doing the bare minimum and less of her duties, taking breaks and leaving whenever she wishes, spending most of her shifts on the phone, and then retaliates against the honest hardworking employees that speak up against the unfairness. She has caused our store to suffer and our guests to become disgruntled by the constant disruptions in our workplace. After months of asking for fair change, Sharon has done nothing but turn a blind eye to Jennifer's disturbances to the crew and retaliation against those who complain. Sharon is constantly mocking and spewing out profane and racial slurs against our customers, employees and anyone else who dares to speak against her personal views inside and even outside of the store. She is highly unprofessional and not fit to run a staff if she refuses to change her ways and drop the ongoing discrimination as well as exposing contagious employees to work shifts that she could easily fill with a healthy employee.
    113 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Applebee's Employees Chillicothe, MO 7901
  • Pay minimum wage for food food runnners
    They make less than a server and do all the servers work for them. It’s not equal pay. And can’t live off 2.83 an hour.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jess J
  • Increase base pay & offer hazard pay to gig workers. Company profits must be transparent.
    No one should profit from the pandemic. Since the start of the pandemic all incentives and bonuses that had been offered regularly prior to the virus disappeared while business for these companies dramatically increased. These companies should not be allowed to exploit workers by consistently excusing themselves from any responsibility to these workers via the "independent contractor" classification.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Xio Vargas
  • Investigate Louis DeJoy's Illegal Campaign Donations
    We are concerned about this issue because of the well-publicized damage DeJoy has done to the United States Postal Service and its employees since assuming the position of Postmaster General. His appointment was evidently a reward for his fundraising efforts, both legal and illegal, on behalf of the Republican Party. We know that such an investigation will take time, as will preferring charges against him. The sooner, the better, though. PMG DeJoy has already declared his intention to double down on his “Pivot” plan to degrade the capacity of the Postal Service and eliminate union jobs as soon as the election is over. Already, DeJoy’s directives have led to major delays in sorting the people’s mail and made it more difficult for postal workers to carry out their duties. We won't sit idly by as a man who appears to have purchased his title as Postmaster General undermines an essential public service, and the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of American workers in the process. Maximum pressure, from you, from Congress, from the media, and most of all from all Americans who love the USPS, may well force him from office before that. At the very least, it promises to limit his capacity to continue damaging the People’s Service now--and beyond Election Day.
    5,066 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Dennis O'Neil
  • Support a Safe Workplace for Big Burrito Restaurant Group Employees
    Big Burrito laid off a large percentage of their hourly staff without warning and without addressing our safety concerns, leaving dozens of employees without their employer healthcare in the middle of a global pandemic. In the weeks since the lay off, they’ve publicly begun hiring for positions in their restaurant group and have required former employees to reapply and go through a review process with no guarantee that they will be rehired to their former position or rehired at the same wage. Despite their rhetoric of care and concern, the company has made no effort to change their internal operating procedures to prioritize the safety of their staff or their customers. This is dangerous for both employees and patrons. We don’t want any returning or future employees to have their health and well-being jeopardized in the same manner many of us were during the company’s first attempt at reopening at the beginning of June.
    173 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Big Burrito Employees
  • Say the words! Solidarity means saying "Black Lives Matter"
    Recently Whole Foods workers have been sent home for wearing Black Lives Matter paraphernalia at work, on the grounds that they are somehow controversial. Respectfully, we beg to differ. As an Amazon employee, and a Black American descendant of enslaved peoples in this country, I must say, that anyone who believes that the words Black Lives Matter, are controversial suffers from an unfortunate delusional state induced by years of conditioning in white supremacist ideology. Workers should not be forced to choose between earning a living, and asserting that the lives of other human beings have value. Whole Foods is wholly wrong to have ever enforced this policy. Nothing short of a full throated apology and a sincere commitment to sit down, shut up, and LISTEN to us, will do at this point. This is not a request. It is a demand. Words have meaning, and you can't claim to be in solidarity with the Black community, and then show the reckless indifference to Black and Latinx lives that Amazon is demonstrating currently. While you're here sign our petition to shut down DSF4 for deep cleaning. We've had 3 confirmed cases of COVID 19 reported in the last month and management is lax about enforcing social distancing unless it's to get rid of an organizers like Hibaq Mohamed or myself. Workers should not be retaliated against for speaking up for the safety of themselves and their colleagues. Standing in solidarity in the fight against systemic racism and injustice means being willing to say that Black Lives Matter AND act on that truth by treating Black employees with the dignity and respect that we deserve.
    514 of 600 Signatures
    Created by John Hopkins
  • ESS (Source4Teachers) must be held accountable
    Because of their classification of us, we do not qualify for regular unemployment benefits. We're not given the same benefits, we're not given the same paid time off, we're not even allowed in the union - at least not the way my district negotiated ESS's contract, I can imagine this is true elsewhere. It's ludicrous that I could work alongside district hired employees who have Union representatives to be their voice & hold the school accountable during this very uncertain time. Subcontracting teacher's aides, especially special education ones, like me, is bad for students, staff & the reputation of the school. It also entirely disenfranchises aspiring educators, like myself, who took a permanent position with a school to fund my way to teacher certification. Now, why would I even bother....? I'm sure many are in my position & that needs to change now for the future of education. Forbes named them a best largest employer for 3 years in a row, at the very least that needs to stop.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brittany Coughlin
  • Prove Pizza Hut employees that you're grateful: Pay 'Hazard pay' & 'Paid Sick Leave'!
    1. Your employees, once labeled "expendable" and "non-essential", have been on the front lines providing the best customer service to your customers since before this pandemic begun. The difference now is that you just realized how essential these employees actually are to your multimillion dollar company, they are literally the ones keeping your company alive. 2. These employees are now working under extremely hazardous conditions where they run the risk of contracting COVID-19, it would be the humane thing to compensate them for putting themselves at risk to keep your company afloat. 3. Many of these employees are susceptible to the harsh effects that covid-19 can cause. Some employees run a higher risk than others, but with no other choice but to work because finances have become an even bigger necessity during this time, many are forced to run that risk. 4. It is inhumane to exploit your employees during this pandemic (and even when not experiencing a pandemic) for the work that they are able to provide, and sometimes forced to provide on the grounds that they can be fired for not wanting to risk their lives for $14 an hour, and not AT LEAST consider the hazardous conditions they are put through and warrant the use of Hazard pay & paid sick leave for those that are not able to come to work because they don't want to risk getting others sick. 5. It is extremely important that you understand how much you rely on these employees as much as they rely on you for their biweekly checks to be able to make ends meet. These employees are essential, they are the backbone of Pizza Hut, and they do their best to please customers and hit sales. 6. It is important that you act with empathy during a pandemic and truly show your employees that you care about them and their families. Not by insulting them with free food, but by giving them a bonus for all their hard work even during a crisis in which they run the risk of being infected all to keep your company running.
    346 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Rodolfo Gonzalez
  • Hackensack Meridian: Give Us Masks, Not Pink Slips.
    Adam Witt, President of HPAE Local 5058 at HMH Jersey Shore University Medical Center: "I began to pursue a career in nursing after watching the response to Hurricane Katrina on TV. I felt helpless and heart broken as I watched so many struggle. Years later, I’m an emergency department nurse in the midst of a health crisis. This is exactly why I became an RN. My job, as a nurse, is to advocate for my patients. My job, as a union president, is to advocate for our union members and all staff. Management is trying to squash my efforts in ensuring protection for all of us, firing me when our community needs all of us. Administration is punishing nurses for speaking out, rather than listening to the front line staff’s demands for the protections we need so we can stay healthy while saving lives. It's a terrifying thought, but if we get sick, who will be there to take care of you or your loved ones?" We, the undersigned community members, demand that Hackensack Meridian Health ensures healthcare workers have the resources and protections they need to continue to provide safe care and treatment during these unprecedented times. We demand that Hackensack Meridian bring back their front line workers who have been suspended, wrongfully terminated, and retaliated against for speaking out on behalf of all those who need care and protection during this crisis. Hackensack Meridian, put an end to retaliatory actions and focus on protecting workers and patients by providing all staff with: Appropriate and Accessible PPE and Safety Equipment Accessible and Timely Covid Testing Paid Time Off for ALL Quarantined Healthcare Workers Accessible Childcare Hazard Pay on All Hours Worked Fix the PTO that was Audited During a Pandemic Prove that corporate healthcare can have a heart. For more on this, please read: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/09/business/coronavirus-health-workers-speak-out.html
    9,649 of 10,000 Signatures
    Created by Adam Witt Picture