Mental Health Days for EmployeesMany of us feel burnt out due to our high workloads combined with the stress of our daily lives. Mental health days for employees will allow us to take recognized time to care for ourselves without feeling guilty for needing some extra help to get back our 100%.1,832 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Serena Rees
Tell Aetna/CVS Health -Your employees are not robots and want a REAL LIVING WAGECVS Health claims to care for all of its workers, and constantly states that it has its employees health and wellness in mind, while treating its employees like robots. We shouldn’t have to beg to be allowed to leave our desks for a few minutes to use the bathroom or walk around for a few moments without worrying about going over our metrics, or worrying if we are going to be able to afford food and shelter because of skyrocketing inflation. Our representatives work incredibly hard to make sure our members are taken care of, also while sometimes dealing with abuse and anger from members, or situations that are emotionally difficult. We deserve to be treated with respect and dignity, and have compensation that can afford us a decent standard of living.4,086 of 5,000 SignaturesCreated by Chris Morris
SUPPORT TACOMA MACY'S WORKERS!Macy's in Tacoma has been a long standing institution that employs many. We have recently found out that our store may be closing in the near future. Over 100 Macy’s workers at the Tacoma Mall location including the Furniture Gallery have been bargaining for a fair contract since January. Please support us as we attempt to bargain for dignity and respect during this difficult time.2,551 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Macy's Workers 4 Power
Cardinal Health Workers Deserve RaisesWe love what we do and want Cardinal Health to practice what they preach since they create an image promoting accountability, essential to care, integrity, inclusive, and innovation. We are essential to care and it's essential that Cardinal Health employees to be cared for. Our company has more than enough income to take care of their employees. Cardinal Health currently is facing an Opioid Settlement agreement of 6 billion dollars, 13 million dollars to resolve allegations of kickbacks to physicians and still have the audacity to hold a townhall meeting with Deland, Florida employees on Wednesday March 1 of 2023 informing us we have a $4 billion + budget of investing in our facility but we will not be getting any raises this year. There's Cardinal Health locations that have sign on bonuses, higher pay for less job duties and we still get the shorter end of the stick for working more. We are essential to care and it's time for Cardinal Health to make it a priority to keep their employees happy and remind everyone in the company that our work is not being taken for granted due to greed and that we are all essential to care. Join us in calling Cardinal Health to invest more into their employees and ensure workers they have the respect and dignity we deserve at our workplace. Thank you for speaking out!4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Cardinal Employee
H-E-B Punishment-Free Sick DaysTell me if this sounds familiar: "X is sick? Yeah, I heard there's something going around the store..." "I heard that almost the entire X department is sick.. " "I'm sick but I really can't afford the steps for calling in..." How often have you seen someone at work who was definitely too sick to be there? For me, I know it's been far too often. Time after time, our teammates come into work sick because they know they would be ⅓ of the way to termination if they called out. That's why I started this petition — to give us a voice in this policy. We deserve to be heard and to be taken care of. I'm sure you remember our training where they said "Don't come to work sick! We'll work with you." It seems almost funny now. 2 steps for calling out sick, when you probably got sick from a teammate who couldn't afford the steps to call out, or an old dude wearing a political shirt who decided to make his cough your problem. On top of that, now according to the HEB Executive Medical Officer, COVID-19 isn't contagious if you don't have a fever. So all of the CDC guidelines about asymptomatic transmission and self-isolation are just being tossed out the window by corporate. In order to avoid a 40 rating, I had to come into work with a positive test in my hands, coughing and wheezing, and still got a step for leaving early because they *wouldn't send me home*. Help fight to keep ourselves, our teammates, and our customers safe. Let your voice be heard, and sign today.6,563 of 7,000 SignaturesCreated by N C
Nitrado Global Company EqualityThe friction between Nitrado and MCProHosting that has formed since the acquisition has caused great distress to the employees at MCProHosting. Many in the company have expressed that they feel as though MCProHosting is the "ugly duckling" of the three brands. We have been consistently told that "there is no Nitrado and MCProhosting, we are all Nitrado Global," but that sentiment seems to be lost when it comes to the equal and fair treatment of Nitrado Global employees who work under the MCProHosting brand. Due to the wages we are offered being below market rate, many employees find it difficult to pay their bills, and many full time employees that have been with the company for years have to take on second jobs or side-gigs to pay their bills. Employees have expressed fears regarding what changes to health insurance coverage will mean for them. For many, this means going without healthcare, or going into severe debt just to have their health taken care of. Restrictive PTO policies combined with severe short staffing lead employees to not take vacations or sick leave, and when they do use their time off, they often continue to work during those vacations or sick days. It is extremely rare to see someone at MCPH take vacation regularly, and even more rare to see them offline during that vacation. Multiple employees right now are on vacation and working. Short-staffing and high standards have caused the support team to feel as though they must work overtime. This traps them in a circumstance where they must choose between providing less-than-exemplary customer service or working beyond their hours and risking disciplinary action. This is a problem that could easily be remedied by staffing departments appropriately based on demand.19 of 100 SignaturesCreated by B33pers Batteries
Chipotle Workers Need a Union!Workers are fighting everyday to fight for their rights. They deserve a right to stable work schedules, their premiums and a safe work place. They need your support!2,497 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Maya Howard
Support Adoption STAR workers unionizing and fighting retaliation! 🧸⭐️Adoption STAR is an agency we have all poured our days, nights, and weekends into while we maintain our own families. Ethical adoption agencies are hard to find in a field with so many historical wrongs, so much exploitation and trauma to address - and we are truly proud to build and maintain STAR. We provide a unique and ethical service of pro-choice pregnancy options counseling and adoption planning, helping to unite expectant moms in an unexpected pregnancy with a family she can trust and maintain a relationship with. We find homes for older children who are unable to unite with their birth families and enduring the instability of foster care. We run a small international program. We prepare families painstakingly for all of the above. From the office, the field, to the hospital, we field calls, maintain confidentiality and legal compliance, and are with people as they go through life-changing events in their families. 💔 But some of us struggle when we try to grow our own families, or even to make ends meet. 💸 🚑👨👩👧👦 We do not receive any assistance with cost-sharing for our dependents in our healthcare plan, severely cutting into our wages. One of our workers makes only a few hundred dollars in her paychecks despite being a full-time master's level professional, to insure her family. 🤱🤯 We do not have a standard for parental leave, leading to inconsistent and inadequate solutions when we become parents. 📝💰 We face strict compliance and administrative tasks as a child welfare agency, but these positions salaries and supports are inconsistent and low compared to local standards. We found that a new member of this team was making the same amount as a worker who had been here 3 years. 😷🦠 We have not received employee health specialist fittings for N95s for our clinical staff that goes into hospitals. One worker has contracted COVID and then had to be off work from her vulnerable expectant clients for extended time. ☎️🕐 We regularly work on-call without guaranteed coverage to make up the hours that burn us out, and always without compensation. When we began organizing, we knew we would make the agency an even more ethical place we were proud to serve at. Instead, four employees who spoke up about our COVID exposures, wages, and unmanageable caseloads were illegally fired. Another worker resigned out of opposition. As of the time of our election, three more pro-union workers overwhelmed with being lied to and intimidated daily, while still faced with inadequate compensation, left. These staff were given no reason or warning of the action taken against their livelihoods, alarming our clients and STAR’s remaining employees. Together, they've given years of service and built their programs, and leave behind several urgent and active cases. This action has increased all of our urgent workloads drastically and unexpectedly. This action has damaged the agency’s reputation, connection to our clients, and ongoing cases. It has the potential to damage our relationships to the entities who partner with us. This action, as it was taken without warning or explanation, has left the remaining staff fearful with no guidance on how to maintain our own employment. We ethically cannot leave the families, moms, dads, and children we serve in the dark. We are organizing because we love Adoption STAR... and we ARE Adoption STAR. Please support our efforts. Thank you for your solidarity - we are going to make it through this together. 🧸⭐️774 of 800 SignaturesCreated by STARs United
Classify Samsung US Sales Experts As EmployeesThis is a human rights issue. There are LGBTQ+ individuals who rely on Samsung US and iAdvize as the only place who will accept them. These people need to be protected. There are single parents who rely on Samsung US and iAdvize as their sole source of income. These people need to be protected. There are disabled individuals who rely on Samsung US and iAdvize as the only job that will allow them the flexibility they need. These people need to be protected. There are college students and dropouts who rely on Samsung US and iAdvize as the only job that will allow them to work from home or their dorm. These people need to be protected. We are human beings who just want to help customers pick out a new phone, television, refrigerator, or laptop. But we'd also like to be treated with respect and be paid a living wage while doing it. We don't want something radical, we want something equitable.50 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Samsung Experts
Don't cut pay from us hardworking technicians during a COVID-19 leave of absence.Other people, especially my fellow health-care coworkers, should join my petition because we deserve to be valued more. Cvs can afford to support their employees at the "low totum pole" retail stores...we are their bread winners anyway!3,546 of 4,000 Signatures
FedEx take care of your injured workersBecause the more drivers who come together maybe we can have this policy changed immediately.6,147 of 7,000 SignaturesCreated by FedEx Drivers
Amazon Drivers demand better working conditionsWe work long, tiresome hours for Amazon. Our work generates billions of dollars in revenue for this corporation. We are valuable and essential to this company and we demand to be treated with respect.5,359 of 6,000 SignaturesCreated by Anthony B