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To: Karen Lynch, CEO

Tell Aetna/CVS Health -Your employees are not robots and want a REAL LIVING WAGE

Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash
As an inbound call rep, staff is required to be at their desk at all times. As a company that is both an insurance company and pharmacy, it should be well known the effects of a sedentary lifestyle. Due to our performance metrics, we are allowed to leave our desk for a maximum of 7.5 minutes a day outside of our break. This includes time such as using the restroom or stretching. If you require more time, you need to jump through hoops with an unresponsive HR to get “reasonable accommodations” or you will lose out in bonuses as well as possibly receiving a PIP. This is absolutely disgusting for any company, but especially a multi-billion dollar a year company that makes its money on healthcare. 

To add, all employees continually have added responsibilities without an increase in pay. The starting salary for inbound calls is 17.50 an hour. This salary is barely above a living wage. Not only that, but our jobs are incredibly difficult and emotionally taxing. While our CEO receives 20 million a year as a bonus, and our quarterly profits continue to soar, we have not received any increase in pay, despite our teams bringing it up. Instead we are met with excuses about how they can’t afford to pay us more, while releasing quarterly reports on how well our company is doing. It is shown that financial insecurity is a huge factor in mental health as well as overall health, yet we are struggling to make ends meet while CVS/Aetna reaps corporate profits. We demand that we be treated as human beings with dignity, and that we be provided a thriving wage. 

Why is this important?

CVS Health claims to care for all of its workers, and constantly states that it has its employees health and wellness in mind, while treating its employees like robots. We shouldn’t have to beg to be allowed to leave our desks for a few minutes to use the bathroom or walk around for a few moments without worrying about going over our metrics, or worrying if we are going to be able to afford food and shelter because of skyrocketing inflation. Our representatives work incredibly hard to make sure our members are taken care of, also while sometimes dealing with abuse and anger from members, or situations that are emotionally difficult. We deserve to be treated with respect and dignity, and have compensation that can afford us a decent standard of living.


2024-06-29 10:57:52 -0400

There was a secondary Town Hall that I was able to attend, where teammates brought up the realities we are facing in this economy. The person running the meeting gave incredibly impressive non-answers to questions in regards to the outrageous cost of living, our sinking morale, our sub-par benefits, and how Aetna has included $100 extra per month for employee spouses who forgo insurance from their employer. Our plan is the only one that includes such a fee. We really need to show them that this is unacceptable, and they can no longer continue to gaslight and abuse their employees.

2024-06-29 10:54:01 -0400

Good morning!
I wanted to share a quote with you from our town hall.I will have more to share come Monday when I can access the full transcript. The quote comes from Brian Kane, one of the heads of Aetna. This is the same man who OK’d a cheap pin as a Christmas bonus. “How do we empower all of you and all of us to ensure that you’re getting the experience you expect? You’re getting paid fairly, you have the opportunity for promotion, you have the ability to be transparent and direct and let us know your perspective. We create an environment where we can share bad news, and lord knows we’re had enough this year, so we’ve had to create that environment.”

2024-06-22 10:15:53 -0400

Currently I am working with an organizer for unionization, as well as spreading the word. Let’s keep up the momentum!

2024-06-12 15:53:59 -0400

1,000 signatures reached

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500 signatures reached

2024-06-12 10:14:10 -0400

100 signatures reached

2024-06-12 09:42:50 -0400

50 signatures reached

2024-06-12 09:37:30 -0400

25 signatures reached

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10 signatures reached