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To: Emily Buckles, Director of Early Childhood Connection

Mental Health Days for Employees

An organization with a reputation for treating its employees well and accounting for their mental health is one that will earn respect both inside and outside of its headquarters, increasing staff retention, productivity, and decreasing employee burnout and sick days.

The American Psychological Association’s 2023 ‘Work in America’ Survey, 92% of workers said it is very (52%) or somewhat (40%) important to them to work for an organization that provides support for employee mental health.

We humbly request that Las Vegas Urban League considers allowing days for employees to prioritize their mental wellbeing. These may take the form of holidays, community outreach days, or team building days.

Why is this important?

Many of us feel burnt out due to our high workloads combined with the stress of our daily lives. Mental health days for employees will allow us to take recognized time to care for ourselves without feeling guilty for needing some extra help to get back our 100%.


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