Lift all restrictions on YogaWorks teachers' sick pay immediatelyWe earned this sick pay. It rightfully belongs to us and we need it now more than ever. Please show us that you care for us, who have cared for this company, rather than caring most about profit and private equity. We are writing this at the eleventh hour, as more and more people are unable to work and are becoming sick. Nobody anticipated the extent of the public health crisis we are in, but here we all are. The future is uncertain, but the hours of work that we have put in to accrue our sick pay are undeniable. Please respond at once with affirmation that we will get the sick pay we deserve. Unionize Yoga/ YogaWorks New York Teachers69 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Unionize Yoga
Coffee is Not EssentialAs Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf continues to operate under the pretense that we are aiding the community by providing food and beverage, but they are in fact only endangering their employees and customers. Coffee bean is taking additional steps to encourage cleanliness and sanitation, however this does not eliminate all possibility of not catching COVID-19. The virus stays in the air and on surfaces for up to 14 days. As many medical professionals are being given a quick easy way to grab coffee, it is also putting the employees at risk as well as any guests that it could be transferred to.157 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Lauren Kim
IWG ACT NOW: Close your Centres! (Regus, Spaces, HQ & other IWG centres)After the government announcement on the 23rd of March, unprecedented measures were announced that no one should be leaving their homes unless for exercise, essential travels, shopping or if they are Key Workers going to work. Today, IWG centres remains open; Profiteering from companies during this global pandemic whilst asking their landlord for a 3 months grace period. IWG has not only decided to profit before staff’s welfare, they also gone against their Exceptional Service Statement” – “We exist to help modern, ambitious business work where, when and how they want.” – www.regus.com. During this pandemic, small & medium size companies are making loss and struggling financially whilst locked into a long-term contract unable to leave with no relief or discounts. IWG employees are also forced to decide between working, or to taking holiday leave to get paid. Despite the UK government announcing that they will cover 80% salaries for those who must stay home. IWG employees are not key workers and should be forced to stay home. IWG centres are open 24/7 for members with private office spaces, with the front help-desk open Monday-Friday 8am to 6pm. During this pandemic, IWG can close their front help-desk and centres, but leaving it open to clients who are key-workers which is showing their support to key-workers during these tough times. We ask that IWG reconsiders their situation and provide support to their employees and clients.1,238 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Rory Macdonald
Blick Art Materials Employee Covid 19 ResponseWe are in the middle of a pandemic and the head of Blick Art Materials need to step up and support their employees in this difficult time.133 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Oscar Contreras
HSS Inc. Must Provide Sick Pay for All EmployeesHSS security officers are working at the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic. As essential personnel working in hospital and airport settings, we run a higher risk of contracting the virus compared to the general public. Infection is not a maybe, it is an inevitability for a percentage of our officers. HSS Inc. says they will pay 2/3 of wages for lost time should any employee contract and PROVE they contracted COVID-19 while on the job, an admittedly difficult task. Alternatively, full-time employees of over a year have access to Paid Catastrophic Leave should they fall ill with the virus. This means part-time employees as well as full-time employees with less than a consecutive year working with HSS will only receive UNPAID medical leave for a COVID-19 infection which they cannot definitively prove was contracted at work. This is not enough. HSS quotes, "security services are critical to the health and wellbeing of both patients and first responders." Our officers need to know they will be compensated for time spent in quarantine regardless of where or how we contract the virus and without stipulations about full-time status or length of time served with HSS. Protecting our clients and our teams from exposure to COVID-19 by quarantining infected individuals is a vital public service—HSS Inc. has an obligation to remove any obstacle that would prevent us from doing so. In order to guarantee that HSS officers do the right thing and self-quarantine when they suspect they have the virus, HSS Inc. must provide sick pay for all the hardworking people who make up this company for the duration of their quarantine. Refusing to do so is an unconscionable disregard for the safety of these employees and the clients they serve.111 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Joseph Prestley
Change Comes NowBecause the majority of our staff have children. Beyond that, it is already difficult for any of us to support our families. God forbid a medical emergency arise. When asked about hazard pay we were given a very direct, NO! We were told to Use our own PTO that WE had already saved.1,326 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Derek Johnson
Spectrum Employees need hazard pay now!According to the UN, hazard pay is “a form of compensation granted to staff members who have been requested to remain and report for work in duty stations where very hazardous conditions, such as war or active hostilities, prevailed and where the evacuation of families and nonessential staff had taken place.” We are in the middle of a global crisis. Charter/Spectrum employees— are ensuring our communities can work from home or be entertained while they stay home in safety and comfortably quarantined. But we are all risking our lives and that of our families by regularly coming into contact with other employees and our customers. The only thing we have been offered is three weeks of “flexible time off” once we are infected or affected by the virus, but this would be too little too late. The idea that we would be paid off for the unused time off at the end of the year is sad, especially knowing that some people are dying from this virus. Our families are hurting now and Charter/Spectrum wants to make sure they budget for anything extra they give us. That is a scary thing to think, that our employer has such little regard for us. It is clear that this company sees us as nothing but a number, and odds are high that many of us will get sick and some of us will not survive. I pray that we all stay safe. You can email [email protected] ***We may respond in time but there might be a delay*** If you really want something to come from this tell your coworkers and family about it and post it on other sites. Join and do your part so we are treated fairly.270 of 300 SignaturesCreated by employeehelp fromcovid19
Rapid Response Monitoring - Prioritize Health Over WorkAs a central station dispatcher we are the liaison between citizens and law enforcement, fire, and medical responders. We show up daily to do our part in case help is needed. By doing so we are not only putting our well being at risk but those in our homes as well. Additional income can help in assisting for childcare due to school closures, groceries, our family members or friends that are now unemployed, etc. Amazon warehouse workers who are paid an hourly wage will now receive double pay for working overtime over 40 overs per week and they also received a $2 increase in pay. Home Depot has also given employees additional 80 hours of paid time off which is designed to make sure sick workers stay home. Whole Foods employees received a $2 an hour increase. Stater Bros. employees working in stores, distribution, transportation, corporate offices and construction received a wage increase of $2 per hour. Target Corp. received a $2 an hour increase and also offered workers that are pregnant, 65 years or older, or who have underlying health risks, access to paid leave for up to 30 days. Starbucks is now paying their employees for the next 30 days, whether they come to work or stay home. Costco has also announced wage increases and better benefits recently as well as Walmart whose pay increased from $15-$19 an hour. Rapid Response claims they appreciate their employees, but do they really? Rapid Response Monitoring is stationed in Corona, CA and its main office in Syracuse, NY. There are now 1,468 positive cases and 27 deaths in California. New York state's death toll has reached 114, surpassing Washington state and accounting a third of all U.S. deaths. COVID-19 is REAL and extremely dangerous. Please help these employees and their families. You can also sign and share at https://www.change.org/rrms-prioritize-the-health-of-your-employees Thank you. Please view the links below: https://ibb.co/6w721QJ https://ibb.co/7Q73WWf163 of 200 SignaturesCreated by RAPID RESPONSE EMPLOYEE
Worker right at DillardsThis is important not only for the workers but I believe the company at large--it improves relationships with higher management and it looks great in the public eye.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jacob Fricke
Mental Health Therapists Fair Insurance ReimbursementThe mental health and addiction parity act says that health insurance needs to pay the same rates that a medical provider get paid. Nurse Practitioner's have comparable training and education and they get paid 3 times as much with benefits. Especially during this pandemic, in order for the people to get their mental health needs met, we need to take care of these providers as well.353 of 400 SignaturesCreated by anonymous therapist
Burgerville workers need Covid-19 Protections NOWThese are extraordinary times. All workers at Burgerville have faced either severe cuts to their hours or have been furloughed--with no warning and no financial assistance. The workers that remain have little to no choice but to work in conditions that expose them and their loved ones to a deadly virus. For those who are furloughed, the company is telling us not to worry because of government assistance, but rent is due and the money isn't in our wallets. Burgerville has an obligation to us now. This has and will lead us to further insecurity for our kids, our homes, our food, and our healthcare. Amazon, Whole Foods, New Seasons, Market of Choice, and other companies are already offering workers hazard pay to acknowledge the increased risk that grocery and service workers are facing right now. As one of the few businesses that is able to stay open during the pandemic, it is our responsibility to provide the community with the support it needs--through our food and our health. The less of us who are exposed to the virus, the healthier the community. The less of us who have to rely on public assistance because we have the support of our employer, the more resources for workers laid off from businesses that are no longer open. Now is the time to prioritize that people remain healthy, fed, and housed.485 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Chris Merkel
Floor & Decor is non-essential, close for the safety of your employees and customersWe are in the middle of a pandemic that can be deadly to anyone regardless of age, race, gender. We’re all at risk and no job is worth your life.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lily B