• H&M workers deserve good schedules and free speech in the workplace without retaliation
    In August 2019, H&M management terminated sales associate Nick Gallant after he began exposing safety violations in the workplace and started educating his co-workers on their rights under the new fair work week laws in San Francisco and Emeryville, California. That’s why we need you to sign this petition and call on H&M to Bring Nick Back, to stop retaliating against workers, and to give all California H&M associates a Fair Workweek. **United for Respect (UFR) is a national non-profit organization. UFR is a multiracial movement of working people throughout the U.S. advancing a vision of an economy where our work is respected and our humanity recognized. UFR is not a labor union and does not intend or seek to represent retail employees over terms and conditions of employment, or to bargain with retail employers.
    215 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Nickolas Gallant Picture
  • Starbucks Food Waste
    Making these changes would help cut down on food waste costs and labor costs across the company. And would ensure each store had a consistent and inviting pastry case display.
    72 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alisa Shields
  • Treat Luggers with Dignity and Respect
    We are a group of Luggers who want to help Lugg become a better workplace: Happy Luggers, happy customers, happy investors. Luggers are the marketers, ambassadors, and promoters of your company. We interphase with customers all day, and we want to do a good job every time. We are professional and hard workers. However, Lugg makes our lives unnecessarily miserable every day at work. Drivers and helpers sometimes get deactivated without knowing why, and Lugg has a practice of cancelling work shifts as punishment. When we ask for clarification, we get ignored, scolded, and belittled. We take working at Lugg seriously, and we are willing to put in all the energy and endless hours because we need the job, it is a main source of income for us and our families. When we are deactivated, we fall behind on our bills, and it hurts our livelihood, which is demoralizing. We invest so much of our time to working for Lugg, that we give up on other jobs, and other opportunities for making income. Sometimes there are no jobs provided during our scheduled shifts with Lugg, and we end up having to be on-call, waiting for jobs that never come, without pay. If we request to clock-out while waiting, we are told that we are the only crew available, and that we need to stop spamming with our request. If we insist, we get ignored. We don’t want to clock-out, we want to work, we need income! But we fear being kicked out of the platform for asking Lugg to free-up our time when they don’t give us work. Lugg has a policy of cancelling all future shifts as punishment for pausing or stopping work with no consideration for the circumstances, if we don’t do it 24 hours in advance. One Lugger had a family member in the hospital fighting for life, and needed to attend this emergency, so he notified Lugg asking to get the rest of that day off. Lugg deleted all future shifts and restricted him from scheduling work for a week, leaving him with no income in the middle of his medical emergency. Another Lugger suffered a small accident while on-the-job, hurting his foot. He finished his shift with his foot hurt, and asked Lugg for a couple days off to recover, but Lugg cancelled all of his future shifts as punishment, anyway. We have to beg Lugg for a couple minutes to use the bathroom or take a break, as they are tracking us at every moment and every place where we are. We always work in pairs. Customers are only able to review both workers together with the same ranking applying to both, even if one may have performed better or worse than the other. This ranking affects our opportunity for higher pay and better shifts. Lugg assigns work shifts based on a priority system. Workers with Priority 1 get the first pick on shifts and a higher pay. To escalate from priority 3 to 2 to 1, a worker must maintain a high customer ranking individually, but the ranking affects both Luggers. Our lives are full of uncertainty, not knowing when Lugg may terminate us on a whim, or when we may get a negative review because of someone else’s performance, and lose our job. We suffer high levels of stress, with no health insurance. Many of us are responsible for our children’s future. Jordan Brown, Lugg CEO, as a new parent would understand the importance of steady income to support our kids. We have to pay rent, take care of ourselves. We are very frustrated but we want to make it work. If these things are fixed, the quality of our lives can improve, and our happiness will increase: Happy Luggers, happy customers, happy investors. Whether you are a driver, a helper, a customer, or a member of the community, we invite you to support our effort to demand that Lugg improves the way it treats its workers. Thank you!
    3,112 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Luggers Make a Move
  • Estes Express Lines: Pay Dock Workers Overtime After 40hrs
    Estes Express Lines is one of the largest freight trucking companies in the U.S. They currently have about 16,000 employees, more than 6,700 tractors and 30,000 trailers, and a network of 200+ terminals. They continue to grow bigger and bigger which is a good thing but a lot of us feel like the dock workers should be getting compensated for any overtime that is needed of us. We've been taking on so much freight this year that we have been put on mandatory 6th days. The fact we are having to work extra days that should be spent with our families, and we don't get paid overtime after 40 hours is a real kick in the gut. Not getting paid overtime after 40 hours makes us feel like we're getting taken advantage of. Every other position besides the dock worker gets some kind of compensation for working either over 40hrs a week or having to work a mandatory 6th day. Jockeys get overtime after 40hrs, office staff get overtime after 40hrs, management get compensation days. Why are the dock workers left out? We, the undersigned, respectfully call upon CEO Rob Estes to put into effect that all dock workers from Estes Express Lines get paid overtime after 40 hours in a work week. Surely the time has now come to see that this issue needs to be changed because the dock workers are not being treated equally. We submit this plea for the following reasons: 1. Everyone eles is paid overtime or gets a compensation day for a mandatory work day. 2. It's not treating us as equals as everyone else. 3. It would make having to work extra time or mandatory days not as bad. 4. It would boost the morale of the shifts. 5. It would cause better shifts to get created, so that all shifts are working more closely to the same amount of hours.
    4,857 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Alan Watts Picture
  • Darden: We need 2 weeks notice of our schedule, not 4 days.
    Some cities and states have already passed legislation requiring large food and retail corporations to have better scheduling practices. The main parts of these laws are: -Advanced notice of our schedules -Additional compensation for when our schedules get changed after they’re posted -The right to have input in our schedules for better flexibility -Access to more hours for those that want them -The right to rest between closing and opening shifts Where these laws exist, Darden is already following them! With these laws, shift swaps between employees and requests made by employees would still work the way they do now, and Darden already has software that lets us do this. There’s no reason they can’t follow these basic things to give us more stability and flexibility to live our lives, whether that’s taking care of kids, going to college, or anything else. Please sign the petition to demand that Darden implement secure schedules in ALL of their restaurants!
    4,759 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Misty Brown
  • All stores should close and pay employees impacted by extreme weather
    We need a fair workweek so that when shifts get cancelled last minute we still have hours we can count on. That’s why we’re calling on some of the wealthiest corporations in our country like Starbucks, Walmart, Amazon and Target to provide disaster relief pay for employees who have had to miss work this week due to the cold. Our bills don’t stop just because it gets cold!
    3,259 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Amber Kofman Picture
  • #ThePriceOfRetail for workers during the holidays
    For an industry that brings in $250 billion dollars in profits in NYS/NYC each year, there is plenty to go around and the successes of the industry should translate to greater flexibility and share of the profits by the workers. With your support, we can bring these issues to our city and state lawmakers and show employers that their consumer base wants them to do the right thing by their workers.
    195 of 200 Signatures
    Created by jedidiah labinjo Picture
  • Boycott REI: Wages & Hours Matter, We Matter!
    REI’s CEO, Jerry Stritzke, and the Board of Directors are well aware of our hardships, which we have voiced as loud as we can. Collectively, we have faced: homelessness, medical debt, having to rely on food stamps to feed ourselves, even selling our plasma so we can pay the rent, and living off of credit cards. REI’s leadership has known about our struggles for years, and yet they have no plans to make any meaningful investments in their dedicated retail workforce, also known as REI’s Green Vests.  Amazon, Whole Foods, and Target have committed to a $15/hour starting wage and the retail workers of #OptOutside are asking our co-op to do the same. On average we start at a little over $10/hour and in some regions under $10/hour. Help us hold REI accountable to the values it was founded on. BOYCOTT our beloved co-op until our leadership announces a $15/hour store-wide wage increase, more full-time opportunities for regular sales associates, and more hours for every retail worker, so we can all make ends meet. We would like to stress that a living wage increase alone is not sufficient. Payroll cutbacks have plagued our work culture and they would become more drastic. It is essential that our leadership commit to a scheduling policy that offers us more full-time opportunity, which would ensure that a broader number of store employees receive guaranteed health benefits and a retirement plan. It is also imperative that REI commits to giving its green vests more hours overall, because too many of us are scheduled so few hours that we are struggling to survive our jobs. Stand by REI’s extraordinary retail workforce. If thousands of REI members and outdoors lovers sign in support of this petition, it will make a difference. Your voices will be heard! REI will do right by us if this petition amasses thousands of supporters. Help us to continue doing what we love doing best — educating and outfitting you all for a lifetime of outdoor adventure and stewardship. Gift us a campfire story like no other. Wages matter, hours matter, we matter!
    2,228 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Alpine Anderson Picture
  • Allow students to choose their work schedule at Domino’s
    Currently I no longer work at Domino's based on not being able to work certain hours because of my schooling. I want to be able to bring notice to other student workers that need that leniency to be allowed to make their own scheduling. I want to give others the opportunity to have their own voice and fight their own battles for an easier way of work no matter where you are in the world or where you work. If you have any questions or wanna share your story my facebook link is attached.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alexis Shepard
  • Papa John's: Address sexual harassment
    I am a former employee of Papa John's Pizza. I was encouraged, then agreed to be promoted, as AGM last year. I realized through our personal payroll program that I was not getting paid my promised wage. This was brought to my manager’s attention, as well the Area Supervisor’s, eliciting the same response that they will “take care of it.” A few weeks of patiently waiting for a correction and following the chain of command, there was none and I eventually had to call the payroll department myself for retroactive pay. Earlier this year leading up to this from an extremely poor, hostile work environment not only from coworkers, but managers, I was sexually assaulted by my superior while working as an AGM. After being refused from my store manager to Human Resources, I was never offered any paperwork or advice to file my claim for this incident. Following the proper procedure(s) of bringing this to my superior's attention multiple times, I was fired in retaliation and informally transferred to another store location. As a young female, this is a completely different generation that we are bringing into the workforce, speaking up about these issues. For the millions too afraid to truly express themselves, I would like to bring awareness towards this issue to prevent this from becoming a precedent. This is about the laws that we can’t ignore and especially stay silent about. This is not just about me. This is other people. The Department of Human Resources needs to be called out. There are thousands of employees getting hurt from the blind eye of this department not doing anything about these types of claims. They don’t care. Something needs to be done. I am seeking stories from any current/former employees who have experienced discrimination, been fired for retaliation, or anything similar: please come forward, comment below sharing your story, help bring action and create awareness for better employee policy change(s) at Papa John’s Pizza.
    4,238 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Scared Acanthisitta
  • Cap the number of Uber/Lyft/Rideshare drivers based on the population of each city
    This promotes: 1. A sustainable wage for independent contractors working for ride-share companies. 2. Fewer C20 emissions in each city due to an extreme and unnecessary number of drivers in cities worldwide. 3. The integrity and respect of the drivers who do the majority of work for billion dollar companies. Overall, we all love our Rideshare companies. I, myself, have been both a driver and a passenger of Uber in particular. However, the work of these companies is not done, and this petition could help Rideshare companies prove that they not only care about their passengers well being, but the drivers well being as well, who help make their companies just what it is--awesome.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Erica Dewaay Picture
  • No one should get fired for speaking out
    My name is Shaheim Wright and I’ve been organizing with an amazing group of retail workers standing up for fair schedules in Philadelphia based on my own experience at PetSmart with last minute changes to shifts, no input on schedules from employees, not enough hours each week, and totally unpredictable and erratic hours every week. After I spoke to the press about my erratic work hours and why I support fair workweek legislation, I experienced retaliation for speaking out. My manager Kathy started to only schedule me for the 6:30AM shifts. There isn’t reliable public transportation available that early in the morning, so I had to take expensive cabs or leave at 5 AM to walk to work. I asked my manager if I could get any later shifts – and she told me she’d accept my “resignation.” I was nervous to lose my job but I knew I had an entire movement supporting me to continue speaking out for what’s right. That’s why I testified at the Philadelphia City Council about the impacts of these abusive scheduling practices on us and our community and why we need change. The day after the hearing, I showed up for my 6:30AM shift and I was not allowed to work. I’m completely devastated – I need this job. I support a household of seven. I did everything right, and I was fired simply because I stood up for what I believe in. I need my job back, but we also need a #FairWorkweekPHL because 130,000 fellow Philadelphians just like me shouldn’t be at the whims of our managers to get the hours we need. And I know we can win because we’re stronger together in a movement that’s unstoppable. Thank you for supporting our movement and continuing to speak out for what’s right. They can’t stop us.
    323 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Shaheim Wright Picture