• Home Chef overworking, underpaying, and discriminating
    Employees working in this company are being overlooked, discriminated, underpaid and overworked to the point where individuals get unhealthy. Employees no longer feel valued & get wrongfully terminated. Not a safe work environment.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rodolfo Ponce Picture
  • Cheesecake Factory: Allen deserves his job back
    We spend more time in the restaurant than we do in our own homes with our families and we love and take pride in what we do. For a lot of us restaurant workers, this is a profession, a career and a way of life that can not only support our families, but also pays our bills and maintains quality of life. We understand that the restaurant industry can be difficult, stressful and exhausting, but we look to our managers for guidance when that happens. A manager should protect and respect the staff, follow the guidelines and hold themselves to the same standards. A manager should never yell at a worker in front of guests and other staff members for any reason. As employees, it is our RIGHT under the National Labor Relations Act to speak out at the workplace with our co-workers. It is against federal labor law for an employer to retaliate for voicing workplace concerns. We deserve a fair trial. This is our opportunity to change the restaurant culture not only within The Cheesecake Factory but to also set a higher standard for restaurants across the country. By signing this petition to support Allen, he will have the opportunity to stay safe, support his family and put food back on the table. We ask for your support by signing this petition, sharing this with friends and joining our fight for what is right!
    3,056 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Erika Toth
  • End mandatory OT and reinstate Hazard Pay at Fullbeauty!
    This letter is a Petition for Immediate Measures to be taken in order to protect and improve the lives of Fullbeauty fulfillment center workers during the COVID-19 crisis. At Fullbeauty we work hard, we look out for each other, and we are invested in the success of the company. We are Proud to work at Fullbeauty. However, Fullbeauty workers are currently subject to unfair, mandatory overtime that can leave us physically exhausted and more susceptible to Coronavirus infection. Furthermore, the excessive mandatory overtime is creating havoc in many of our households, as school schedules are in flux, and high quality, affordable, reliable child care is often difficult to find. Additionally, many of us without school aged children are feeling the pinch as we take on increased roles as caregivers for sick and elderly family members. In short, the current, unfair, mandatory overtime situation is hurting everybody. To make matters even worse, Fullbeauty has taken away our Hazard Pay despite the fact that contraction is again spiking in Indiana and all workers are at continued, serious risk of infection. With over $500 Million in annual revenue, Fullbeauty can certainly afford to reinstate Hazard Pay in recognition of our sacrifice to the company . Consequently, we the undersigned demand that Fullbeauty be a better corporate citizen during this health crisis by: Immediately suspending mandatory overtime for its distribution center employees and Immediately reinstating Hazard Pay for all workers We engage in this collective, concerted activity under the protection of Federal Law, specifically, Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act. We are also prepared to engage in further actions that are also protected by the Act, as well as collective action designed to safeguard our immediate health and well-being from imminent danger as defined by OSHA, Standard number 1977.12 (b) (2). We anxiously await your response to our demand.
    297 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Peter DeMay
  • Keep Premium Pay for the Remainder of the Pandemic
    Starbucks admits to being "committed to caring for the health and well-being of [their] partners," yet is failing to do so by removing the premium pay. This pandemic is not over.
    15,473 of 20,000 Signatures
    Created by Jacqueline Rodrigues
  • ESS (Source4Teachers) must be held accountable
    Because of their classification of us, we do not qualify for regular unemployment benefits. We're not given the same benefits, we're not given the same paid time off, we're not even allowed in the union - at least not the way my district negotiated ESS's contract, I can imagine this is true elsewhere. It's ludicrous that I could work alongside district hired employees who have Union representatives to be their voice & hold the school accountable during this very uncertain time. Subcontracting teacher's aides, especially special education ones, like me, is bad for students, staff & the reputation of the school. It also entirely disenfranchises aspiring educators, like myself, who took a permanent position with a school to fund my way to teacher certification. Now, why would I even bother....? I'm sure many are in my position & that needs to change now for the future of education. Forbes named them a best largest employer for 3 years in a row, at the very least that needs to stop.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brittany Coughlin
  • Take a Stand with Crazy Mocha Workers
    We have dedicated ourselves to growing and sustaining Crazy Mocha because we believe in the value it brings to Pittsburgh’s communities. Many of us have worked for years to serve our customers with a high standard of customer service and care. We are valuable members of the business and should be treated as such. Instead, we have been ignored and treated as if we were of no importance to Crazy Mocha whatsoever. We haven't heard anything from the Company since March 26. Any information we've gathered has been from public news reports and social media. Our personal appeals for information are disregarded. Our comments are deleted from social media posts. We've already reached out to the Corporate team who is still working and received total radio silence. Even before this pandemic, when we've reached out to HR in the past, we've been told our concerns are invalid and to stop contacting them about our issues. Many of us have been manipulated by the company: we've been falsely promised benefits for which we weren't actually eligible, we've been told we'd make a higher wage for a shift and never paid that rate, we've been lied to about the nature of regular raises. We've had safety and security issues in stores and been told to just call 911. We have felt extremely disrespected and dehumanized, as if we're completely replaceable. We are a big reason that regular customers keep coming back and, first and foremost, would like this fact to be acknowledged. We look forward to being able to return to our jobs. We care enough that we would like to see changes so that we can continue to provide an excellent product and exceptional service like we always have. We just ask that our concerns are taken seriously and with heart.
    1,251 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Crazy Mocha Employees
  • Dairy Queen
    I want for the owners, HR, or any top Fourteen Foods affiliate to recognize their employees! They "claim" to be all about family but I haven't seen 1 ounce of kindness or tenderness to us. I haven't seen them reach out and offer hazard pay or offer anything to protect us and our families. They should be ashamed of themselves. Any company still open needs to recognize their employees and show them what they are worth. Because at the end of the day we are risking our life our children lives our loved ones life to make them richer!! I demand less hours!!! I demand a difference in pay!! I demand an offer to stay home!! I demand to be respected!! Cornavirus is very serious. These top fortune 500 companies are treating us like our lives are nothing more then disposable. IT'S SICKENING.
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tom Smith
  • Jersey Mike's Subs is NOT an essential business
    The number of confirmed cases of Covid-19 continues to rise throughout the United States. At this current moment of writing, there over 100 thousand confirmed cases in the United States (World Health Organization, March 29th) and approximately 1700 open stores (Jersey Mike's "Locations By State"). If the average store has about 7-10 workers, that is roughly 11-17 thousand employees exposed to hundreds of customers every day. My argument is that by removing Jersey Mike's Subs out of the equation during this global pandemic, we can effectively reduce the potential of infection and diseases for not only our customers but employees as well. As someone who currently works at a Jersey Mike's store - at one particular location that is not even sufficiently designed to sustain the 6ft. social-distancing law - the responsibility of maintaining order without enough resources is starting to become unbearable. I've personally seen customers that will come in with clear indications/symptoms and cough and touch various objects, whether intentionally or not. We do our best to enforce the rules, but I can't (and shouldn't) force someone out of the store. Everyone gives the same reasoning that "it isn't a big deal". So instead, we then have to wait for them to leave on their own accord, stop the entire flow of work in order to disinfect and sanitize with the proper procedures. However, since we have 6 different apps/methods to order, deals which cause individuals to purchase an exorbitant amount of food, and various people walking in at any given moment, we do NOT have the time. So, you may think we should put more employees on during the shift, but that just increases the exact same problem we are trying to avoid. We can't keep up this level of performance without severe implications for our coworker's personal health, and we don't even have the option for various government aid because we are still technically employed. The hours have been cut, yet we are still expected to perform twice the amount of tasks. You claim that we are "Essential", but every day you keep pushing this agenda, you are putting your "Essential" workers on the front line for no personal gain but your own. I enjoy my job immensely, but we all know that we are not "Essential". Jersey Mike's Subs is not "Essential".
    203 of 300 Signatures
    Created by AP Padalkar
  • Suspend Starbucks business until further notice, due to the Coronavirus
    Closing Starbucks, during this pandemic of the coronavirus is crucial. The virus itself is airborne, and although washing your hands frequently, and disinfecting the store is helpful, that won’t prevent the spread of said virus. Both customers AND partners are at risk of catching and spreading the virus. At this point in time, there is no way to know who has the coronavirus, due to the limited number of tests. Suspending all business hours, until further notice, WHILE continuing to pay both hourly, and salary workers, would be beneficial to both customers & partners. Most Starbucks locations are strategically placed near hospitals and schools/universities. Although most schools have closed, most hospitals have not, and will not close. This leaves most partners exposed. While Starbucks have put new policies into play, that doesn’t mitigate the entire risk of catching the virus. Partners and Customers can display no symptoms, while still being able to transmit the virus to others. Instead of waiting until a partners has been exposed or catch the virus, closing all stores would prevent anyone from getting the virus. At this current time, partners are on the frontlines, potentially being exposed and spreading the virus, unknowingly. The moral thing to do, would be to suspend business, while paying partners, until there is a grip on the virus.
    38,124 of 40,000 Signatures
  • DCH1 Amazonians United Petition for Equal PTO & Meeting with Daniel Reyes
    Amazon is treating delivery station warehouse workers like second-class employees. We work hard & put our bodies on the line to rush packages out to customers in 1 day, make Amazon one of the biggest companies in the world, and make Jeff Bezos the wealthiest man in the world. But we are not given the same Paid Time Off benefits that are provided to other part-time employees. In February, DCH1 Amazonians United collected and submitted a petition demanding 1) equality with other Amazon Part-Time Associates who receive PTO and Paid Vacation Time, and 2) a meeting between DCH1 Amazonians United and Daniel Reyes our regional manager, to address this concern. We submitted our petition with 250 signatures from DCH1 workers to our site lead Domonic Wilkerson- he told us that he met with Daniel Reyes, they reviewed our petition, and that they were not going to meet with us. Amazon claims to have an open door policy, but when 250 associates ask for a meeting with one of our managers, they refuse. As workers that make Amazon what it is, we deserve to be addressed with respect, and for management to engage in good faith discussion with our group. Please sign this petition to demand that Daniel Reyes meet with DCH1 Amazonians United, and support our fight to get equal PTO for all Amazon warehouse workers!
    31 of 100 Signatures
    Created by DCH1 Amazonians United
  • Sprouts Farmers Market is Good for Customers Terrible for Workers
    Sprouts Farmers Market is unusual that it offers healthy food for relatively low cost, setting itself a part from the larger organic grocery outlets like Trader Joes and Whole Foods. What Sprouts fails at is loyalty to their lowest paid hourly staff. With the larger grocers, employees are protected by unions and practices that ensure a better working atmosphere and better hours. Sprouts Farmers Market is focused on growth. While there are opportunities for employees to take advantage of health insurance as part-time workers, very few are given the hours to pay for health benefits, much less pay their bills. There are employees that have worked for Sprouts Farmers Market for two years or more that are scheduled 8 hours a week. There is next to no assurance of hours on a weekly basis. Hourly employees are subject to hap-hazard schedules. In California cost of living is sky high. As an hourly worker at Sprouts Farmers Market it's a joke to believe that you can get enough hours to live on or pay your bills because of hours are unpredictable week to week. Sprouts Farmers Market experiences very high turnover. Employees quit their jobs because they do not feel valued. This feeling of being undervalued stretches across pay scales and allocated hours. Sprouts Farmers Market is one of the very best of the best for its customers, and one of the very worst work environments, with morale that's consistently low. This must change. Sprouts Farmers Market averages a 2.9 rating out of 5 via Glassdoor. Most of the company reviews center around communication of executive staff, scattered scheduling and poor wages.
    4,453 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Jaime Prater Picture
  • Change the Long Hours Culture at WeWork
    Anonymous testimony from WeWork employees in the UK points to an unhealthy and unproductive long hours culture. Employees describe having no work life balance, with work days of 14 hours or more regularly bookended with mandatory out of hours events. Workers should be consulted on when they work, for how long and how many out of hours events they need to attend. This would improve employees’ work-life balance and help to enable a happier and more productive workforce – good news for WeWork and those who work for it. We are calling for WeWork to listen to its employees and end its culture of long hours.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Henry Skewes