• ESS (Source4Teachers) must be held accountable
    Because of their classification of us, we do not qualify for regular unemployment benefits. We're not given the same benefits, we're not given the same paid time off, we're not even allowed in the union - at least not the way my district negotiated ESS's contract, I can imagine this is true elsewhere. It's ludicrous that I could work alongside district hired employees who have Union representatives to be their voice & hold the school accountable during this very uncertain time. Subcontracting teacher's aides, especially special education ones, like me, is bad for students, staff & the reputation of the school. It also entirely disenfranchises aspiring educators, like myself, who took a permanent position with a school to fund my way to teacher certification. Now, why would I even bother....? I'm sure many are in my position & that needs to change now for the future of education. Forbes named them a best largest employer for 3 years in a row, at the very least that needs to stop.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brittany Coughlin
  • MARTA: Remove any/all management who puts employees at risk for COVID-19
    Yesterday, April 13, 2020, I came in on my first day as a new hire in MARTA's Customer Care Center. Before my first day, I asked the Senior Recruiting Officer in human resources what practices MARTA had in place for COVID-19. She told me that I could wear a mask, but she wasn't sure what the Customer Care Center's practices were. However, that is not what I saw when I showed up for duty. I got mean and nasty stares from several MARTA employees - even the front desk security guard. Worst, the Customer Care Center management - on top of stating they were not ready on how to go about training me during COVID-19, I had to endure rude and snide remarks where I was told I need to speak up and that this is a call center and I need to speak up. Mind you, I had to endure such insults and snide remarks despite the fact that I bring over seven years of experience in call center and customer service. Therefore, no frank and practical discussion was made to me about how my training would be conducted and whether or not I could wear the mask. The day culminated with the Customer Care Center director, Ms. De Jesus, accusing me of being "insubordinate" after I tried to speak louder to her and the other managers - because they repeatedly told me they could not hear me. I saw at the Customer Care Center that no one was wearing masks - including management. Their solution to comply with CDC guidelines was to rotate sending home some employees to work, and bringing them back into the office. However, my previous employer did not take such risks with our call center - they sent all employees to work virtually and did not place a requirement on us to return to the office. In sum, MARTA's management shamelessly had no issue with making false allegations of me being "insubordinate", so that they could wipe their hands free of being inconvenienced in having to allow me to wear a mask to work and/or make reasonable accommodations to protect its employees. Unfortunately, this is becoming a trend in many workplaces - where employers are not protecting their employees, and resorting to manufacturing incidents where they can remove someone under a subjective allegation of being "insubordinate"; and, with this pandemic - such illegal and immoral practices should be condemned.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by T B
  • Hackensack Meridian: Give Us Masks, Not Pink Slips.
    Adam Witt, President of HPAE Local 5058 at HMH Jersey Shore University Medical Center: "I began to pursue a career in nursing after watching the response to Hurricane Katrina on TV. I felt helpless and heart broken as I watched so many struggle. Years later, I’m an emergency department nurse in the midst of a health crisis. This is exactly why I became an RN. My job, as a nurse, is to advocate for my patients. My job, as a union president, is to advocate for our union members and all staff. Management is trying to squash my efforts in ensuring protection for all of us, firing me when our community needs all of us. Administration is punishing nurses for speaking out, rather than listening to the front line staff’s demands for the protections we need so we can stay healthy while saving lives. It's a terrifying thought, but if we get sick, who will be there to take care of you or your loved ones?" We, the undersigned community members, demand that Hackensack Meridian Health ensures healthcare workers have the resources and protections they need to continue to provide safe care and treatment during these unprecedented times. We demand that Hackensack Meridian bring back their front line workers who have been suspended, wrongfully terminated, and retaliated against for speaking out on behalf of all those who need care and protection during this crisis. Hackensack Meridian, put an end to retaliatory actions and focus on protecting workers and patients by providing all staff with: Appropriate and Accessible PPE and Safety Equipment Accessible and Timely Covid Testing Paid Time Off for ALL Quarantined Healthcare Workers Accessible Childcare Hazard Pay on All Hours Worked Fix the PTO that was Audited During a Pandemic Prove that corporate healthcare can have a heart. For more on this, please read: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/09/business/coronavirus-health-workers-speak-out.html
    9,649 of 10,000 Signatures
    Created by Adam Witt Picture
  • Petition to Honor and Extend Employment Commitments for Contingent Faculty at Smith College
    Contingent faculty members at Smith College face significant and disproportionate economic precarity. After you sign this petition, you'll have the option to leave us a message of support. In that message, please let us know what your relationship is to Smith College, such as: Smith contingent faculty Smith staff Smith administration Smith student Smith alum Smith tenure-track faculty Smith tenured faculty Five College contingent faculty Five College staff Five College student Five College alum Five College tenure-track faculty Five College tenured faculty Faculty or staff member at another college/university Community supporter
    2,180 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Sophia Smith
  • Blick Art Materials Employee Covid 19 Response
    We are in the middle of a pandemic and the head of Blick Art Materials need to step up and support their employees in this difficult time.
    133 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Oscar Contreras
  • Rapid Response Monitoring - Prioritize Health Over Work
    As a central station dispatcher we are the liaison between citizens and law enforcement, fire, and medical responders. We show up daily to do our part in case help is needed. By doing so we are not only putting our well being at risk but those in our homes as well. Additional income can help in assisting for childcare due to school closures, groceries, our family members or friends that are now unemployed, etc. Amazon warehouse workers who are paid an hourly wage will now receive double pay for working overtime over 40 overs per week and they also received a $2 increase in pay. Home Depot has also given employees additional 80 hours of paid time off which is designed to make sure sick workers stay home. Whole Foods employees received a $2 an hour increase. Stater Bros. employees working in stores, distribution, transportation, corporate offices and construction received a wage increase of $2 per hour. Target Corp. received a $2 an hour increase and also offered workers that are pregnant, 65 years or older, or who have underlying health risks, access to paid leave for up to 30 days. Starbucks is now paying their employees for the next 30 days, whether they come to work or stay home. Costco has also announced wage increases and better benefits recently as well as Walmart whose pay increased from $15-$19 an hour. Rapid Response claims they appreciate their employees, but do they really? Rapid Response Monitoring is stationed in Corona, CA and its main office in Syracuse, NY. There are now 1,468 positive cases and 27 deaths in California. New York state's death toll has reached 114, surpassing Washington state and accounting a third of all U.S. deaths. COVID-19 is REAL and extremely dangerous. Please help these employees and their families. You can also sign and share at https://www.change.org/rrms-prioritize-the-health-of-your-employees Thank you. Please view the links below: https://ibb.co/6w721QJ https://ibb.co/7Q73WWf
    163 of 200 Signatures
    Forcibly exposing these high-risk groups of people to the public in mass at grocery stores will undoubtedly cause not only unnecessary and untold numbers of deaths among these groups, but also will serve to further overwhelm the healthcare systems, likely creating a snowball effect in the numbers of fatalities due to insufficient or unavailable medical treatment.
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jacqueline O'Reilly
  • Sign The Petition: At Risk Drivers Deserve Sick Pay, All Drivers Do!!!
    Us drivers have been left alone, sitting for weeks in quarantine to save our lives with no pay and unable to work. We get cussed, hit, called names, guns in our faces and treated badly for you, so why arent you now there for us? We are losing homes, cars, all we worked for. Many dont have food, a safe place to stay. We for sure cant get the tests you require, many states there are none! As for a doctors note....we are quarantined and doctors are overwhelmed, and we shouldn't have to! We've toiled to make you billions! Please check out this amazing article to hear about other drivers in this difficult time: https://thehustle.co/coronavirus-uber-lyft-drivers/amp/?__twitter_impression=true
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kimberly James
  • Tropical Smoothie Cafe: Hazard Pay COVID-19
    Update : Most of our store are now doing curbside pick up even as the Virus is becoming more and more serious Experts now say the covid-19 is going airborne we have no masks and subway gloves which mean even more contact the employees have to make .Lives are at risk. Several customers come in every day not knowing if they’re sick due to the shortage of tests. Even though there is no dining in the store, there still are small crowds in small lines that form. During orders, some of them have already displayed signs of sickness. Hazard pay would be at the very least since we are not offered sick day leave.
    480 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Dakoda Mandujano
  • Amazon, give us fair compensation, a fair workplace, and fair accommodations
    Amazon Logistics Workers in NYC Deserve a Raise Amazon is one of the richest companies in the world, run by the richest man alive. They currently pay workers at DBK1 the bare minimum that is required by law. Amazon workers should be paid fairly for the value they create. Paid Time Off All DBK1 workers are promised Paid Personal Time and Paid Vacation Time when offered the job. Though the employee handbook (the so-called “Owner's Manual”) makes this promise, these benefits are denied to the vast majority of DBK1 workers. Amazon workers should be guaranteed the Paid Time Off they are promised upon beginning their employment at the company. Appeals Process At many Amazon facilities, workers have a procedure by which they can appeal final warnings or terminations. However, at delivery stations such as DBK1, workers are denied this minimum level of job security. Workers should have clear access to their verbal warnings and write up histories. They deserve to be protected from unjust and arbitrary discipline and termination and should have the same appeals process as other facilities. Paid Safe and Sick Leave By law, employers in New York City must provide workers with paid safe and sick leave. DBK1 has denied workers this right since it opened eight months ago. In response to a petition drive by workers, management has recently committed to complying with the law and crediting workers for their earned sick time. However, management has not provided a timeline of when this will happen or committed to rehiring workers fired for absences. They must follow through on their commitment, enable workers to easily and readily use safe and sick leave immediately, and rehire employees unjustly terminated for missing work while sick. Signed, Amazonians United New York City
    1,648 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Amazonians United New York City Picture
  • Hey Google: Stop Retaliation and Scare Tactics Against Workers
    If Google can't be trusted to support workers who speak out against illegal and unethical activities at the company, how can it be trusted to hold the world's information in a responsible, unbiased, and ethical way? Illegal retaliation also hurts us all in promoting homogeneous workplaces, which stifles workplace inclusivity and diversity.
    311 of 400 Signatures
  • H&M workers deserve good schedules and free speech in the workplace without retaliation
    In August 2019, H&M management terminated sales associate Nick Gallant after he began exposing safety violations in the workplace and started educating his co-workers on their rights under the new fair work week laws in San Francisco and Emeryville, California. That’s why we need you to sign this petition and call on H&M to Bring Nick Back, to stop retaliating against workers, and to give all California H&M associates a Fair Workweek. **United for Respect (UFR) is a national non-profit organization. UFR is a multiracial movement of working people throughout the U.S. advancing a vision of an economy where our work is respected and our humanity recognized. UFR is not a labor union and does not intend or seek to represent retail employees over terms and conditions of employment, or to bargain with retail employers.
    215 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Nickolas Gallant Picture