• We Demand Safety from COVID at Whole Foods!
    While the COVID-19 vaccine is becoming more readily available across the country, Whole Foods workers are still getting sick! Management everywhere are allowing pre-pandemic crowd sizes, despite the country still only being a third vaccinated. Mask mandates are rarely enforced. This isn’t new, Whole Foods workers have been reporting all pandemic that management teams have consistently put workers in danger rather than enforce any meaningful safety protocols with customers. Whole Worker has received reports from workers who were lied to about cleaning crews coming in. We’ve gotten reports of stores where as many as a quarter of store employees tested positive for COVID and where employees were only told to quarantine over a week after management knew they’d worked a shift with someone who had tested positive for COVID. We’ve even heard from stores where management forced employees to open their store without running water, and thus no working bathrooms or water to refill disinfectant, despite this being a violation of company policy, state law, and health codes. We’re tired of being put second in Whole Foods’ pursuit of profit and customer pleasing. No profit line is worth our health and safety. We deserve better and we demand safe working conditions! If you want to connect with other Whole Foods workers taking action for their health and safety reach out to us at https://workerorganizing.org/talk-with-an-organizer/ and a volunteer organizer will be in touch!
    3,091 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Emergency Workplace Organizing Committee
  • 7901's Petition for Change
    Sharon has caused multiple amazing employees to lose all motivation do their job, or to even show up for their job. The employees dread coming into work because they know the unfair situations in which we must work in. Sharon condones rude selfish behavior with her favoritism towards a single employee who refuses to follow our standards or even learn her duties to the fullest extent. Sharon let's her do anything she pleases, including treating the other staff like they are below her, doing the bare minimum and less of her duties, taking breaks and leaving whenever she wishes, spending most of her shifts on the phone, and then retaliates against the honest hardworking employees that speak up against the unfairness. She has caused our store to suffer and our guests to become disgruntled by the constant disruptions in our workplace. After months of asking for fair change, Sharon has done nothing but turn a blind eye to Jennifer's disturbances to the crew and retaliation against those who complain. Sharon is constantly mocking and spewing out profane and racial slurs against our customers, employees and anyone else who dares to speak against her personal views inside and even outside of the store. She is highly unprofessional and not fit to run a staff if she refuses to change her ways and drop the ongoing discrimination as well as exposing contagious employees to work shifts that she could easily fill with a healthy employee.
    113 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Applebee's Employees Chillicothe, MO 7901
  • Pay minimum wage for food food runnners
    They make less than a server and do all the servers work for them. It’s not equal pay. And can’t live off 2.83 an hour.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jess J
  • C is for Change - End unreasonable production demands at Cigna
    A very large portion of your call representatives are on the verge of quitting and live in constant fear of being fired. We are mentally drained, exhausted, frustrated, and our mental and physical health is suffering. Unfulfilled promises to IMPROVE and THINGS ARE GETTING WORSE INSTEAD OF BETTER!!!!
    3,057 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Cigna Call Center Reps for a better work Environment-Nationwide
  • Justice for George Mason University Campus Workers
    Our tax and tuition dollars are driving poverty for immigrant workers at George Mason University. The university should pay people a decent wage and have high standards for all contractors. Their janitorial staff are forced to come to work after being exposed to COVID, they are shorted on hours and intimidated. On construction projects, the contractors use labor brokers that violate labor laws. We want GMU to adopt a strong responsible contractor policy. We want the new Virginia Square campus in Arlington to be built by union workers who have more job protections, and have apprenticeship opportunities for people in our community.
    2,539 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Keith Willis
  • NBCUniversal: pay the migrant workers making your products in Thailand!
    NBCUniversal has a responsibility to ensure workers’ rights are respected in their supply chains. They must ensure we receive all the money we are owed for making their products, and their profits. The Mae Sot region of Thailand is known to be 'a black hole' in the Thai garment industry, where labour rights violations are common place, and factories routinely take advantage of visa dependent migrant workers. If we win, this can set an important precedent for the future – that brands can’t just walk away, proving the power of collective worker action and global solidarity to ensure justice, even in the darkest corners of the garment industry.
    3,842 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Mirjam van Heugten
  • Home Chef overworking, underpaying, and discriminating
    Employees working in this company are being overlooked, discriminated, underpaid and overworked to the point where individuals get unhealthy. Employees no longer feel valued & get wrongfully terminated. Not a safe work environment.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rodolfo Ponce Picture
  • Let’s Get a Gender Neutral Hair Policy!
    These “policies” are sexist and out of date. Publix is losing good employees based on store manager preference. By leaving it up to managers, that leaves room for discrimination. Publix already allows long hair at its Greenwise Markets as well as some stores in Charlotte. Let’s make the hair policy gender neutral!
    2,769 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Cali Pareja
  • Associate Rights on the job.
    It’s important to have the same standard for everyone that has been there and is coming to join. Manager should be held respectful and reasonable when it come to learn new thing and coming in as a new manager. And if we the people can’t voice our opinions where is our rights. How can you be a good leader with out being a good follower. We work harder than most don’t get nothing but a 35 min break one 20 min and one 15 min it’s not fair that jobs doing way less hour Nd less work get more hour to eat than we do. We sign up for day shift ,night shift ,or weekend day or night but we have to come in every weekend and we don’t get time an a half, holiday pay ,weekend ,or night shift pay. We feel our jobs is being threatened Because if we don’t come in on our day off that’s 2 points or more. We done went through every step we needed to help with the concerns we the associate have.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Collette Wash Picture
  • NYC Early Childhood Educators Deserve Fair Compensation and Severance
    Bright Horizons promised to respond to worker demands by September 30th but they have not done so. We must hold them accountable. We were recently informed that the Fedkids center at 26 Federal Plaza in Lower Manhattan will no longer be operated by Bright Horizons. On the company call that was held two weeks ago, Bright Horizons representatives did not let us ask questions or even speak in the meeting. It was brief and insulting to the many teachers who dedicated years to the company and left us with more questions than ever before. Many of us have been employees of Bright Horizons for years, some upwards of a decade. We have spent the past several months furloughed and awaiting communication but continuing to stay in touch with children and their families via Zoom, only to discover that in a matter of a couple of weeks we need to decide whether we are continuing with Bright Horizons or seeking employment at our own center. We are expected to make this decision with very little information and no guarantee of employment if we choose to stay with Bright Horizons or join with the new company at Federal Plaza.
    485 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Anne Kirkner
  • Cheesecake Factory: Allen deserves his job back
    We spend more time in the restaurant than we do in our own homes with our families and we love and take pride in what we do. For a lot of us restaurant workers, this is a profession, a career and a way of life that can not only support our families, but also pays our bills and maintains quality of life. We understand that the restaurant industry can be difficult, stressful and exhausting, but we look to our managers for guidance when that happens. A manager should protect and respect the staff, follow the guidelines and hold themselves to the same standards. A manager should never yell at a worker in front of guests and other staff members for any reason. As employees, it is our RIGHT under the National Labor Relations Act to speak out at the workplace with our co-workers. It is against federal labor law for an employer to retaliate for voicing workplace concerns. We deserve a fair trial. This is our opportunity to change the restaurant culture not only within The Cheesecake Factory but to also set a higher standard for restaurants across the country. By signing this petition to support Allen, he will have the opportunity to stay safe, support his family and put food back on the table. We ask for your support by signing this petition, sharing this with friends and joining our fight for what is right!
    3,056 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Erika Toth
  • Rehire before New Hires!
    Here at the Seattle flagship we have a LOT of co-workers. We may not know everyone by name or their favorite place to be outside, but we genuinely care about each other. That’s why it was a hit to our whole community when we heard that many of us were laid off on July 15. We are now told it’s time to hire new employees, but we believe in order to uphold the Co-Op way we must rehire - at their rate and benefit status as of July 14th - any laid off employees who wish to return. It’s distressing to know our coworkers were laid off in the middle of a pandemic. REI claims to “feel it is important to take care of our employees” (foryourbenefit-REI.com). However, all of these coworkers could have been kept on an indefinite furlough until we found ourselves in a place to rehire, like we are now. Offering to rehire these employees will show Respect for those who dedicated so much of their time to REI. This will also promote the Integrity of our company. REI headquarters and management cited business needs as the reason for lay-offs; now, less than 2 months later, it seems as though our business needs more employees. Let’s bring back the people that already know the Co-op and how this store works. We are operating under unprecedented stress levels and regular daily call-outs. Having seasoned veterans to help the team would ease many worries and abate some of the problems that newer hires tend to have - lack of knowledge and awareness of processes, giving misinformation, etc. REI has long prided itself upon its quality Service and a vast employee knowledge base. Veteran employees are already familiar with the store demands, much of the product, and the local area. In order to provide quality service to the customers, who are risking their safety to be in the store, rehiring employees will allow us to feel confident that we are upholding the special standard of flagship service. With all sincerity, if REI chooses to espouse Authenticity as a core value, the company cannot merely say that it cares about its employees - the Co-Op must actually show up for them. REI built its reputation with these values as a cornerstone and it is now time to truly live them. Offering to rehire the employees, who were unjustly laid off, at their old rates and benefit status is a declaration of true intent by REI to live it's values. We, the undersigned employees of REI Store 11, believe we will all be better off if REI responds to this demand. image credit: https://poshmark.com/listing/REI-Coop-Adventure-Vest-5b35326545c8b3105a688334
    4,382 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Ellie Dugan, Tom Knee, Erin Antovich, Lily Moline and Anna Sugiyama