• The Sherwin-Williams Company, please let us wear shorts.
    This is important to us because if we were allowed to wear shorts while working in higher temperatures, we would be less likely to overheat, which would, therefore, allow us to become more productive. Most of the employees work in warehouses that do not have A/C or are delivery drivers who are in the heat all day. It is important for us to stay cool and presentable while we work so that we can promote a healthy company image, one that Sherwin-Williams can continue to be proud of. We are required to look professional to uphold this image, and we think that khaki shorts would suffice, still meeting the professional attire requirements.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jared Johnson
  • Take a Stand with Crazy Mocha Workers
    We have dedicated ourselves to growing and sustaining Crazy Mocha because we believe in the value it brings to Pittsburgh’s communities. Many of us have worked for years to serve our customers with a high standard of customer service and care. We are valuable members of the business and should be treated as such. Instead, we have been ignored and treated as if we were of no importance to Crazy Mocha whatsoever. We haven't heard anything from the Company since March 26. Any information we've gathered has been from public news reports and social media. Our personal appeals for information are disregarded. Our comments are deleted from social media posts. We've already reached out to the Corporate team who is still working and received total radio silence. Even before this pandemic, when we've reached out to HR in the past, we've been told our concerns are invalid and to stop contacting them about our issues. Many of us have been manipulated by the company: we've been falsely promised benefits for which we weren't actually eligible, we've been told we'd make a higher wage for a shift and never paid that rate, we've been lied to about the nature of regular raises. We've had safety and security issues in stores and been told to just call 911. We have felt extremely disrespected and dehumanized, as if we're completely replaceable. We are a big reason that regular customers keep coming back and, first and foremost, would like this fact to be acknowledged. We look forward to being able to return to our jobs. We care enough that we would like to see changes so that we can continue to provide an excellent product and exceptional service like we always have. We just ask that our concerns are taken seriously and with heart.
    1,251 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Crazy Mocha Employees
  • Protect the Lives & Health of AA Airport Employees - Request to Install Plexiglass “Sneeze Shields"
    We are considered as essential critical infrastructure workers and have been working 3 a.m. to 1 a.m., almost around the clock 7days a week, after Governors around the nation issued the Emergency Directives and/or orders to stay home due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As frontline airline employees, we face the general public and take pride in servicing and assisting those who travel from around the country and the world. However, that means we interact with our customers in close proximity. We take their boarding passes, driver licenses, passports, paperwork and luggage from them though it is very difficult to maintain six-feet social distancing. As a result, we are often coughed on, sneezed on and even spat on occasionally. We feel very vulnerable and have been working in fear during this pandemic period with the life threatening illness. The company recently allowed us to wear a face covering at work and we know you are trying to ship face masks to each station. However, due to a worldwide shortage of masks, we may have to wait a several weeks for the shipment. In addition, according to the CDC, they recommend wearing face covers so that people around us are protected as we might be asymptomatic. That means it might protect others, but we still won’t be protected. This is to protect both our customers and ourselves.
    1,340 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by YUKI T
  • Manager
    This is important because the building is smaller than small bathrooms. And having 10 employees elbow to elbow is breaking the law right now with the Coronavirus pandemic.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rita Watson
  • Social distancing at Vons and protection for employees
    Due to covid-19 outbreak big chains like Ralph’s and Costco are allowing a certain amount of customers at a time it’s safe for everyone and we want a safe environment for everyone during this crisis as the president said we need to practice social distancing before it’s too late
    28 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marissa Hernandez
  • Tropical Smoothie Cafe: Hazard Pay COVID-19
    Update : Most of our store are now doing curbside pick up even as the Virus is becoming more and more serious Experts now say the covid-19 is going airborne we have no masks and subway gloves which mean even more contact the employees have to make .Lives are at risk. Several customers come in every day not knowing if they’re sick due to the shortage of tests. Even though there is no dining in the store, there still are small crowds in small lines that form. During orders, some of them have already displayed signs of sickness. Hazard pay would be at the very least since we are not offered sick day leave.
    480 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Dakoda Mandujano
  • DCH1 Amazonians United Petition for Equal PTO & Meeting with Daniel Reyes
    Amazon is treating delivery station warehouse workers like second-class employees. We work hard & put our bodies on the line to rush packages out to customers in 1 day, make Amazon one of the biggest companies in the world, and make Jeff Bezos the wealthiest man in the world. But we are not given the same Paid Time Off benefits that are provided to other part-time employees. In February, DCH1 Amazonians United collected and submitted a petition demanding 1) equality with other Amazon Part-Time Associates who receive PTO and Paid Vacation Time, and 2) a meeting between DCH1 Amazonians United and Daniel Reyes our regional manager, to address this concern. We submitted our petition with 250 signatures from DCH1 workers to our site lead Domonic Wilkerson- he told us that he met with Daniel Reyes, they reviewed our petition, and that they were not going to meet with us. Amazon claims to have an open door policy, but when 250 associates ask for a meeting with one of our managers, they refuse. As workers that make Amazon what it is, we deserve to be addressed with respect, and for management to engage in good faith discussion with our group. Please sign this petition to demand that Daniel Reyes meet with DCH1 Amazonians United, and support our fight to get equal PTO for all Amazon warehouse workers!
    31 of 100 Signatures
    Created by DCH1 Amazonians United
  • Sprouts Farmers Market is Good for Customers Terrible for Workers
    Sprouts Farmers Market is unusual that it offers healthy food for relatively low cost, setting itself a part from the larger organic grocery outlets like Trader Joes and Whole Foods. What Sprouts fails at is loyalty to their lowest paid hourly staff. With the larger grocers, employees are protected by unions and practices that ensure a better working atmosphere and better hours. Sprouts Farmers Market is focused on growth. While there are opportunities for employees to take advantage of health insurance as part-time workers, very few are given the hours to pay for health benefits, much less pay their bills. There are employees that have worked for Sprouts Farmers Market for two years or more that are scheduled 8 hours a week. There is next to no assurance of hours on a weekly basis. Hourly employees are subject to hap-hazard schedules. In California cost of living is sky high. As an hourly worker at Sprouts Farmers Market it's a joke to believe that you can get enough hours to live on or pay your bills because of hours are unpredictable week to week. Sprouts Farmers Market experiences very high turnover. Employees quit their jobs because they do not feel valued. This feeling of being undervalued stretches across pay scales and allocated hours. Sprouts Farmers Market is one of the very best of the best for its customers, and one of the very worst work environments, with morale that's consistently low. This must change. Sprouts Farmers Market averages a 2.9 rating out of 5 via Glassdoor. Most of the company reviews center around communication of executive staff, scattered scheduling and poor wages.
    4,453 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Jaime Prater Picture
  • It’s Time to Recognize the Kickstarter Union
    As Game Workers Unite co-founder and tech industry labor organizer Emma Kinema said in her recent XOXO speech, Kickstarter's mission to democratize the way in which people create art, music, games, tech, and writing is a noble and important pursuit, and it is only natural that it is at Kickstarter where we are seeing one of the first tangible signs of democratizing a tech industry workplace through unionization. Workers throughout tech, games, and many traditionally unorganized industries are watching, cheering on, and standing with the workers of Kickstarter in solidarity. Kickstarter United has sparked all of our imaginations and have our fullest support. Stand with them today!
    3,258 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Game Workers Picture
  • Starbucks Food Waste
    Making these changes would help cut down on food waste costs and labor costs across the company. And would ensure each store had a consistent and inviting pastry case display.
    72 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alisa Shields
  • Allow Beards for Super 1 Employees!!!
    As long as the beard looks neat, clean and professional-looking, has defined chin and neck lines, doesn't exceed 2 inches in length, and people working in food preparation areas wear beard guards, there really is no reason why employees at Super 1 shouldn’t be able to have beards.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Isaac Gondo
  • Stop Starbucks UK from Wasting Food
    In my store we throw out about 30 items of food at the end of the day but UK staff are not allowed to take some home without buying it and we are banned from giving it away to homeless shelters etc. In the US, Starbucks has implemented a 'Food Share' program that distributes leftover meals to food banks but what about the hundreds of Starbucks stores in the UK?
    3,619 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Anon Ymous