Support Mom's Siam WorkersThe workers of Mom's are striving to create a better work environment but have been summarily ignored by the owners. Our staff has created a letter and has been attempting to organize a meeting, but attempts have been stonewalled from ownership. We are asking for your support for a good-faith meeting between ourselves and Sukanya, where we can bring our issues to the table.4,128 of 5,000 SignaturesCreated by Workers Siam
Let Starbucks Partners Decorate For PrideBeing allowed to decorate our stores for Pride, and other holidays, is important to partners, many of whom are themselves part of the LGBT+ community. In a time where LGBT+ rights, transgender rights especially, are under attack, it's important that both customers and partners feel supported and welcomed. Partners and customers alike LOVE to come in and see a fun and positive environment with fun decorations. We receive lots of positive feedback from customers that they love seeing the creativity partners bring to the table, and likewise positive responses from partners who feel more involved with the store and free to express themselves. Why is the company backing away from supporting its LGBT partners? What is there to gain from making every store depressingly identical, with no personality? While Starbucks insists that Corporate policy has not changed, and that this is 'false information' the rule is still being enforced at a regional level in many stores.3,972 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by LGBT Rights
Stand with the Writers Guild of AmericaWith streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, and Disney+ growing in popularity, the television production industry has seen huge growth over the past decade – but compensation for writers hasn’t kept up. Some writers are saying it’s become difficult to sustain a career as a writer in Hollywood and even harder for junior writers to break into the industry. But the strike of more than 11,000 WGA members is about more than just fair pay. They’re fighting back against a system full of exploitation and increasingly tough working conditions. Specifically they want better residual pay – or royalties for reruns. Before streaming services existed, writers would be paid a percentage of revenue every time their work was shown on television. Streaming has made it so writers don’t receive this pay since users can watch these platforms whenever they want and don’t need to wait for a rerun. Writers are also fighting back against a new threat: the use of AI-powered tools like ChatGPT in writers rooms. Union members don’t want studios to dismiss a writer's contributions – and thus their compensation – by only crediting AI as the author of scripts or as source material. The strike means that all tv production in Hollywood has come to a grinding halt – this has serious implications for the entire industry if the worker’s demands aren’t met. Our favorite shows, including live late night comedy shows, have already stopped production. As fans of their work, we are a crucial part of this moment – it’s important we support the writer’s who create the content we love to watch. Sign the petition to stand in solidarity with the WGA union members and demand that production companies come to a fair agreement.3,434 of 4,000 Signatures
Protect independent contractors advertising on Thumbtack from Unfair DeactivationsSomeone with 4 1/2 to 5 star reviews with impeccable customer reviews that has been on the site for many years. Should not face deactivation out of the blue for a lone client complaint/issue.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jenny G.
Uber Drivers Demand Safety on The Job, Higher Wages & an End to Unfair TerminationsUber marked a record $31.8 billion in revenue in 2022 and has the resources to make these changes. Uber is responsible for the dangerous conditions we are facing on the job, and Uber is responsible for the policies that make it hard to protect ourselves from these conditions. According to “Driving Danger,” a new report from the Strategic Organizing Center, nearly three quarters of Black, indigenous and people of color driving rideshare and responding to a national survey reported that they accepted rides they sensed were potentially dangerous to them for fear of being deactivated for bad customer reviews (2). Uber undermines our safety when they penalize us for declining rides we feel could put us at risk. By keeping our pay low, Uber forces us to work long hours, taking ride after ride, just to make ends meet. By paying us more for our time and our labor, Uber can make it easier to protect ourselves on the job, and make the risks we face everyday feel more worth taking. Uber’s policies are hurting drivers and passengers alike. When drivers have better protections, riders will be safer, too. When drivers know what we earn from each drive, riders will know what cut Uber is taking from each drive. (1) - https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/08/business/uber-revenue.html (2) - https://thesoc.org/what-we-do/driving-danger/ ---- Los conductores de Uber demandan seguridad en el trabajo, sueldos más altos y un final a los despidos injustos Mientras Uber se prepara para celebrar un récord de ganancias en su reunión anual de accionistas del 20231, conductores de viaje compartido en el país se están uniendo para actuar directamente y demandar que Uber mejore la seguridad al terminar con los despidos injustos de conductores y pagando a los conductores una tarifa justa por nuestro trabajo. Mientras nosotros luchamos para sobrevivir, estamos siendo amenazados, asaltados, robados o peor. Uber nos fuerza a tomar los riesgos y costos involucrados en el trabajo del viaje compartido. Nosotros pagamos por nuestros autos, gasolina, teléfonos, mantenimientos y reparaciones y la mayoría de los conductores que son heridos en el trabajo deben cubrir todos sus gastos médicos de sus propios bolsillos. Mientras tanto, Uber no ha tomado suficientes medidas para mantenernos seguros mientras hacemos nuestros trabajos. Los bajos sueldos y la constante amenaza de despido nos empujan a trabajar en condiciones de trabajo inseguras. Uber puede desactivar nuestras cuentas, despidiéndonos de inmediato, según las quejas infundadas de los clientes o por ser selectivos al momento de aceptar viajes. La posibilidad de perder nuestros trabajos, con pocos recursos para recuperarlos, nos hacen aceptar viajes que consideramos inseguros y servir a pasajeros que pueden ponernos en riesgo para poder mantener a nuestras familias. Al mismo tiempo, muchos de nosotros vemos que Uber está tomando una porción cada vez más grande de nuestras tarifas. Muchos de nosotros estamos ganando sueldos mucho menores de los mínimos locales y estatales e incluso menores a un sueldo apto para vivir, mientras que Uber está reportando ganancias récord. Sin importar dónde vivimos o dónde conducimos, todos estamos enfrentando los mismos problemas que Uber podría resolver hoy, si quisiera hacerlo. Por eso estamos demandando lo siguiente: -Sueldos aumentados para todos los conductores y un límite en la parte de ganancias de Uber de nuestras tarifas. -Transparencia sobre la compensación y cuánto de nuestras tarifas Uber se está quedando. -Un proceso de despido “justo” que nos dé el derecho de saber por qué estamos sufriendo la desactivación y el derecho a un proceso de apelación justo y consistente. -Una actualización de las políticas de Uber para prevenir que los pasajeros utilicen nombres falsos e imposibles de rastrear y dar a los conductores el derecho a cancelar o rechazar viajes cuando nos sentimos inseguros, sin castigo alguno. Uber registró un récord de $31.8 billones de dólares en ingresos en el 2022 y tiene los recursos para realizar estos cambios. Uber es responsable por las condiciones peligrosas que estamos enfrentando en el trabajo y Uber es responsable por las políticas que dificultan protegernos a nosotros mismos de estas condiciones. Según “Driving Danger”, un nuevo reporte de Strategic Organizing Center, casi tres cuartos de afroamericanos, indígenas o personas de color conduciendo en viajes compartidos y que respondieron a una encuesta nacional, reportaron que aceptaron viajes que sintieron que eran potencialmente peligrosos para ellos por temor a ser desactivados por malas reseñas de los clientes2. Uber socava nuestra seguridad cuando nos penaliza por rechazar viajes que sentimos que pueden ponernos en riesgo. Al mantener baja nuestra paga, Uber nos fuerza a trabajar largas horas, tomando viaje tras viaje, solo para poder sobrevivir. Al pagarnos más por nuestro tiempo y nuestro trabajo, Uber facilitaría que pudiéramos protegernos a nosotros mismos en el trabajo y haría que valiera más la pena enfrentar los riesgos que enfrentamos a diario. Las políticas de Uber están lastimando a los conductores y a los pasajeros. Cuando los conductores tengan mejor protección, los pasajeros también estarán más seguros. Cuando los conductores sepan lo que ganamos de cada viaje, los pasajeros sabrán la parte que se lleva Uber de cada viaje.4,204 of 5,000 SignaturesCreated by PowerSwitch Action
Stop Jon Byrd. Fully investigate the cover up & protect Michigan workersSisters Brothers and Family, It's not complicated. The Union is the best tool for working people to unite together and win improved wages and working conditions. The labor movement allows us working people to join together against powerful adversaries and advance our shared values. Right now there is something that stinks within the Michigan AFL-CIO. Time is up for Jon Byrd, the longtime Michigan Laborers' District Council External Affairs Director, South Central Michigan Area Labor Council President and Secretary of the Michigan AFL-CIO Advocates 501c3. The story finally made it to the press. Read the articles. These rumors have been brewing for decades. Now is the time for leadership to act. There is no neutral. Which side are you on? Sign on to my letter to national AFL CIO President Liz Shuler and the AFL CIO Executive Council. Michigan AFL CIO Leadership failed to protect members and the public. Now I am calling on national leadership to step in and do their job. Join me. Which side are you on?14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Marti Murphy
Put gratuity on tables at chillisIt would be a big change to the industry3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kimberley Ramirez
Cardinal Health Workers Deserve RaisesWe love what we do and want Cardinal Health to practice what they preach since they create an image promoting accountability, essential to care, integrity, inclusive, and innovation. We are essential to care and it's essential that Cardinal Health employees to be cared for. Our company has more than enough income to take care of their employees. Cardinal Health currently is facing an Opioid Settlement agreement of 6 billion dollars, 13 million dollars to resolve allegations of kickbacks to physicians and still have the audacity to hold a townhall meeting with Deland, Florida employees on Wednesday March 1 of 2023 informing us we have a $4 billion + budget of investing in our facility but we will not be getting any raises this year. There's Cardinal Health locations that have sign on bonuses, higher pay for less job duties and we still get the shorter end of the stick for working more. We are essential to care and it's time for Cardinal Health to make it a priority to keep their employees happy and remind everyone in the company that our work is not being taken for granted due to greed and that we are all essential to care. Join us in calling Cardinal Health to invest more into their employees and ensure workers they have the respect and dignity we deserve at our workplace. Thank you for speaking out!4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Cardinal Employee
Tell Aerotek, Workrise & PeopleReady to Make Renewables Jobs Fair, Safe, and Sustainable!Public pressure is one of the key ways to force AEROTEK, WORKRISE & PEOPLEREADY to improve the policies and working conditions that affect workers. Bad publicity means less money in its pockets, which is the only thing we know the corporate entities care about. If you sign the petition, you can send a powerful message that you are with us in our fight. Join us in calling on AEROTEK, WORKRISE & PEOPLEREADY to make renewable jobs fair, safe, and sustainable, ensuring workers can have the respect and dignity we deserve at our workplaces. Thank you for speaking out.2,444 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Green Workers
Visible tattoos in the workplaceBody markings might not always be a direct manifestation of religiosity. However, for many people body markings are spiritual markers. You might see a male deer, a square, or even a word, but these represent something deeper to the individuals that bear them. The male deer symbolizes grace and spiritual enlightenment, a square representing strength and security, the letters they bear could be a name of a loved one. These body markings show how younger generations express themselves beyond skin deep and taking the time to understand them can expand the way we view and interact with individuals on a more personal level.1,701 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Angel Zavala
Bathroom BreaksWhen working for any full-time company one should be provided with time to perform natural bodily functions while on the clock. If we were physically in the office we would probably not have to clock out to use the restroom and it should be an expectation when working for a company for 40 + hours a week. Holding in bodily functions is not good for anyone especially post-partum moms for example.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ashley Robinson
Delta, Show the Difference…With the rising cost of living and inflation in the world, we need to be on-top of the industrial scale and stay on-top. We won the JD Power award for Inflight IFS during the hardest time in the aviation industry. We kept our company’s head above water and took leave and helped our company turn record profits the most we have seen in years. This profit year was during space positive travel commuting periods which helped new hires get to work and keep the operation running. Space positive commuting helps drastically, especially in those cities/bases that new hires can’t afford to live and move into… We Delta Flight Attendants spend the most time with our HVC’s and customers.. we are the face of Delta… So, Help us Keep Delta My Delta, and Keep Delta the only Flight Attendant Non Union US Airline showing the world and aviation industry the DELTA DIFFERENCE!!!2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by John Geimer