Target Starbucks (piercings and hats)Letting Starbucks team members wear piercings allows for the team member to express their true self and feel comfortable. Wearing hats while being a barista can be really annoying since it gets extremely hot with a hat on. Wearing hats can be even more annoying for women since they get hot quicker because of their hair. As team members we want to feel acknowledged and like a Team Member of Target. All other Team Members are allowed to wear piercings and are not required to wear hats and as Target baristas we feel left out. Yes, it is a food area but not all restaurants and cafes require the use of a hat or ban piercings. Short hair for men and a high bun for women is fair in my opinion.185 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Uriel Mendoza
Starbucks 2019 piercing ruleStarbucks is a corporation that focuses on the partner experience being a great one. One of the many ways they insure this is by allowing us to express ourselves through our tattoos and hair color. But the current December 2019 piercing rule is extremely restrictive. Allowing only one facial piercing is not in line with the ethos they stand by, and quite frankly makes no sense. I myself identify heavily as somebody with many body modifications and I feel I have to hide a part of myself and my identity every day I go to work by taking out my numerous piercings. This makes me feel less confident, there for making my partner experience less great.27 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kylie Anderson
Let me get my nails doneStarbucks has always strived on allowing partners to express themselves in many ways. In previous years they have allowed for your hair to be colored however you choose and the change in dress code has allowed for partners to express themselves through their clothing. We are petitioning for Starbucks to change the rules on nails because it is a way for everyone to feel good about themselves and exude confidence while at work. With the change in nail products there is an extremely slim chance that you would run into the issue of nail polish chipping or nails breaking.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sherry Karimi
Let your employees show their tattoosThis is important because not only will the employees feel more comfortable at work. They will feel better that their employers accepts them for who they are. This confidence instilled will trickle down to the clients! Also covering up tattoos on the sales floor creates an awkward environment in the middle of the hot summer, and sweating profusely in front of the client.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Anthony Williams
Acyrylic nailsBecause we I feel like a woman should b able to feel pretty while in work place or o jus feel like we can use that kind of pampering. Every other resteraunt allows the girls to wear nails11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sarah coleman
Let men have long hairThese policies are out dated, and archaic. They stem from the 1930s when Publix was originally founded. The social norm of the era was that it was considered polite for men to be well groomed with hair above the ear and not touching their collar. However this is 2018 and society has changed. We shouldn't have to abide by the social norms of 88 years ago in order to keep our jobs.17 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Brent George
Associate hair policy change.With recent change in beard policy, it should finally be time to review other outdated policies in regards to how associates maintain their own hair appearances. Providing that we can still maintain the same level of sanitation in personal appearance and in store operations, the individual associate should be able to choose the way they wish to wear their hair. The beard policy change has been a positive change and we believe that this will also be a positive change for both associates and the company.130 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Theodore Weiner
G4S Security let us have NEATLY kept beardsBecause it's self expression and it makes you feel confident and better about yourself. If you want people working for you to do a good job, then make them happy.204 of 300 Signatures
Allow facial piercingsIt is important that the associates are allowed to express themselves. We have come a long way as a nation. We used to see tattoos as some taboo form of art. Now they are more widely accepted. Piercings are also becoming more commonplace in the younger generations. Are piercings really much different than a person wearing makeup?9 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jessica Maguire
Allow dollar general employees to dye their hair non-natural colors.This is way important because they are basically saying we are not able to express our selves in our own way. They are stopping us from being free to show who we are even if it includes us dying our hair a silly color.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ashley Hauke
Facial Hair PolicyThe facial hair policy they currently have is outdated , the culture today isn't the same as it was back when a clean shave was appreciated.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Isaac Ramos
Starbucks, restricting piercings is keeping your partners from showing their true selves!It's simple! Having multiple piercings, whether it may be a septum piercing, eyebrow piercing, or many, many ear piercings, doesn't make our appearance seem criminal, and it does not mean said partner is unapproachable. Customers care about our products and the amazing experience they receive by coming the Starbucks. This WILL NOT be hindered by allowing partners to have more piercings. Please, allow partners the ability to FULLY express themselves. If you agree, give this petition a sign!207 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Alexandra Hasting