Petition is successful with 56 signatures
To: LeadVenture
Calling For Diversity & Inclusion in LeadVenture Culture and Products
The company listened and wants to work together to resolve this issue.

We urge LeadVenture to publicly support the Black Lives Matter movement, diversify their hiring pool, and provide their employees with more diverse marketing material.
Why is this important?
Team members at LeadVenture have noticed that we provide our website and digital marketing services to a predominantly white, male industry. The images and marketing material our OEMs provide us with strictly reflects this. We believe this spreads the message that the outdoors (in recreation and work) only holds space for white men. Since we provide our marketing services to companies that encourage people to get outside, we are at the forefront of being able to advocate for inclusion in the outdoors.
To better serve our clients and their customers, we need to ensure that all feel welcome. We believe it is of the utmost importance for LeadVenture to publicly and actively support the Black Lives Matter movement. We would like to see more diversity among our coworkers to help provide new insight, fresh ideas, and to offer a better overall product for the customers. We would also like to coordinate with our OEMs to provide us with imagery and material that feature people who are Black, Indigenous, people of color, and marginalized genders and sexualities with their products.
Manufacturers (whose products we market) like Harley-Davidson, Polaris, Honda, and John Deere have already pledged their support for the Black Lives Matter movement. There is nothing that should hold us back from encouraging them as well as other OEMs to help us reach and embolden a more diverse audience in the outdoor industry.
We need your support to help fight racism and discrimination in the industries that we serve. We cannot allow an opportunity for betterment to pass us by. Join us and sign our petition to have LeadVenture take action towards making a more inclusive and diverse workplace and outdoor space for all. For a few actions we’d like to see in particular, please see below.
We Ask That:
- LeadVenture commit to making an active, ongoing effort to improve hiring practices to promote a diverse team.
- LeadVenture and sub companies publicly announce their support of BLM on social media and internal emails
- LeadVenture match employee donations to NAACP when feasible
- LeadVenture use their already established connections to OEM’s to request more diverse stock images and marketing material
- LeadVenture sponsor voting day off for employees to go vote, or a ballot drop box in vote-by-mail states
Honda (and other automotive brands):
John Deere:
To better serve our clients and their customers, we need to ensure that all feel welcome. We believe it is of the utmost importance for LeadVenture to publicly and actively support the Black Lives Matter movement. We would like to see more diversity among our coworkers to help provide new insight, fresh ideas, and to offer a better overall product for the customers. We would also like to coordinate with our OEMs to provide us with imagery and material that feature people who are Black, Indigenous, people of color, and marginalized genders and sexualities with their products.
Manufacturers (whose products we market) like Harley-Davidson, Polaris, Honda, and John Deere have already pledged their support for the Black Lives Matter movement. There is nothing that should hold us back from encouraging them as well as other OEMs to help us reach and embolden a more diverse audience in the outdoor industry.
We need your support to help fight racism and discrimination in the industries that we serve. We cannot allow an opportunity for betterment to pass us by. Join us and sign our petition to have LeadVenture take action towards making a more inclusive and diverse workplace and outdoor space for all. For a few actions we’d like to see in particular, please see below.
We Ask That:
- LeadVenture commit to making an active, ongoing effort to improve hiring practices to promote a diverse team.
- LeadVenture and sub companies publicly announce their support of BLM on social media and internal emails
- LeadVenture match employee donations to NAACP when feasible
- LeadVenture use their already established connections to OEM’s to request more diverse stock images and marketing material
- LeadVenture sponsor voting day off for employees to go vote, or a ballot drop box in vote-by-mail states
Honda (and other automotive brands):
John Deere: