To: Starbucks & McDonalds

Starbucks, McDonalds: Urge Your Supplier, Pactiv, to Treat Its Workers Fairly

Many Starbucks and McDonalds stores purchase cups and containers from Pactiv Container Company in Stockton CA. Pactiv is demanding cuts to its union employees' wages and benefits. Starbucks and McDonalds should call on Pactiv to treat its workers fairly.
Four hundred workers at Pactiv, members of The Association of Western Pulp and Paper Workers Local 83, are in the middle of labor negotiations for a collective bargaining agreement with the company. They are asking the company to maintain basic benefits and protections at their workplace. The company is trying to force them to accept a contract that unfairly puts many costs of doing business onto workers and their families. Pactiv is also trying to increase the use of temporary workers at the factory, which may mean fewer good, permanent jobs at the company.
We support strong labor standards at all companies in the fast food supply chain. Starbucks and McDonald's should use the power they have as Pactiv's major customers to urge Pactiv to sign a fair contact with workers in Stockton California.

Why is this important?

The workers at Pactiv are fighting to preserve good jobs—jobs that give their children the promise of a middle-class future. All workers in the “fast food” supply chain—from those who cook the hamburgers to those who make the containers they come in—deserve fair living wages and benefits. It is important that as conscious consumers, we support this effort.

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