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To: The PPU Administration and Board of Trustees

Point Park Student Demands For Tuition Transparency and a Voice on Campus

We the current, future, and past students of Point Park University demand more responsible spending of tuition dollars, donations, and other forms of income for the university. A 3.9-4.9% increase in tuition is an unreasonable request by the administration until the following demands are adequately met.
Current funds must be reallocated to fair and livable wages comparable to $15.00 an hour and benefits for adjunct faculty and the university should move on bargaining a fair contract with the adjunct faculty union that represents the needs of both students and faculty
Items for purchase in the cafe and cafeteria must be lowered in cost by 10% and at least 70% of available items must be fresh not processed
All textbooks for sale in the Campus Bookstore must be lowered in cost by 10%
All Point Park University apparel must be manufactured under non sweatshop conditions
Scholarships for future and current students must raise by the same proportion as tuition
Free daily shuttles on the current schedule must continue to run to and from Oakland until, see demand 7
All students receive subsidized bus passes or the option of addinga subsidized price of a yearly bus pass into their tuition as a Transportation Fee
Point Park's downtown parking garage is solely used for staff, faculty, and student parking free of charge
All purely aesthetic and marketing expenditures are reduced from the university budget unless the administration can compile a list of student signatures and valid ID numbers showing approval by a 75% majority of students in all categories of students
All extravagant expenditures i.e. President Hennigan's private town car and chauffeur are cut from university budget
A full review of the administrative hierarchical structure with the aim to consolidate redundant or unnecessary positions
All highest compensated administrative salaries are cut by 10%
All administrative bonuses and yearly wages are directly proportional to the bonuses and yearly wages of all university faculty
Complete and easily accessible tuition transparency available to all students, parents, and faculty
Immediate ratification and implementation of Charter of Student Rights, Freedoms, and Demands
Complete review of the Student Handbook

Why is this important?

If Point Park administration wants a 5% increase in tuition the students hereby demand more benefits to attending Point Park University including a bigger voice on campus and in the decision making process on issues directly affecting our education and life as students!

Don't forget to leave a comment explaining if you are a community member/ally/student/faculty member/etc.


2015-03-30 22:21:56 -0400

Wow! The petition has been up online for a total of ONE DAY and we've got over 100!
Remember there's power and numbers folks, the more we share, the more we discuss, the more signatures we get, and the more we can change peoples minds!

Make sure to share with your friends and family and tell them THEY CAN SIGN TOO! Just leave us a comment and let us know who you are: a prospective student, a current student, a community member/ally, a parent, a faculty member, or if you work for the university!

Let's keep this up! #ProtestPPU #TuitionTransparencyNow #StudentsNotCustomers

2015-03-30 21:00:21 -0400

100 signatures reached

2015-03-30 13:56:07 -0400

50 signatures reached

2015-03-30 01:43:40 -0400

25 signatures reached

2015-03-29 23:15:21 -0400

10 signatures reached