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To: Cheesecake Factory

Cheesecake Factory: Pay your employees

Image credit: Anthony92931
Several workers of The Cheesecake Factory were told they will be paid an hourly wage to make up for their lost during this pandemic. They were told they will pay for the normal average amount of hours they work. No one has been compensated and there has been no agreement made to pay the employees for lost of hours.

We demand that the company does the right thing and pay us till the lockdown is over.

Why is this important?

So many of the workers at The Cheesecake Factory have their own families and bills to pay. After 03/17/20 hours were zeroed and cut dramatically.

Image credit: Anthony92931


2020-03-31 02:26:01 -0400

Thank you so much for the support everyone, the next step that could help us is posting on social media about the situation, spread the word please and thank you. If you work for a Cheesecake Factory or know someone who is scared to speak, please feel free to post about your/their experience with this situation.

2020-03-30 08:31:48 -0400

1,000 signatures reached

2020-03-27 21:17:51 -0400

500 signatures reached

2020-03-26 22:35:50 -0400

100 signatures reached

2020-03-26 21:21:00 -0400

50 signatures reached

2020-03-26 18:01:41 -0400

25 signatures reached

2020-03-26 14:32:57 -0400

10 signatures reached