Petition is successful with 7,956 signatures
To: Netflix
Netflix: Extend paid parental leave policy to ALL employees
After thousands of Netflix customers and employees joined this effort, Netflix has announced that it’s expanding its paid parental leave for hourly employees. Employees in the streaming (16 weeks), DVD (12 weeks), and customer service (14 weeks) will now all be getting fully paid parental leave where previously, none of the leave provided was fully paid. Additionally, the new policy will cover paternity leave and adoptions whereas previously only maternity leave was provided. This expanded leave time will make a big difference in the lives of hundreds of Netflix workers and their families. One customer service employee who joined this petition said she’s “ecstatic” about the news. Thank you to everyone who supported this effort!
Our work isn’t finished. The new policy does not meet the full demands of this petition, so let’s keep the pressure on Netflix to continue to improve its leave policies. There is no need for a two-tiered leave policy for hourly and salaried workers. Everyone should be able to take time away from work to care for a newborn or loved one.