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To: HR and Management

Mt Airy worker petition

The employees of Mount Airy Casino Resort are petitioning upper management for the opportunity to redress the following grievances;
• The decision to allow smoking on the casino floor, with no or very little restrictions or employee safeguards, which we believe is detrimental to the employees’ health, safety and overall wellbeing.
• High cost of health insurance combined with high deductibles are cost prohibitive for most employees forcing average employees to make choices that are deleterious to their and their families general health.

• A fair pay scale that enumerates employees for skill level( ie dealers awarded more for additional games they are certified in), which we believe will address issues of turnover and employee retention thus creating a better working environment for all employees.

Why is this important?

Employees should sign if they wish to see open communication in creating a positive change in the work environment.


2022-05-23 13:57:18 -0400

10 signatures reached