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To: US Cellular Center Management, Civic Center Commission

Let concession workers keep their tips!

1. Stop discouraging patrons who want to leave tips for service and allow workers to keep cash tips they earn.
2. Place a tipped worker representative or liaison on the Civic Center Commission for representation and transparency.

Why is this important?

The US Cellular Center hosts amazing performers that draw big crowds of drinking patrons. Annual events like Warren Haynes Christmas Jam and the SoCon Basketball Tournament bring returning patrons. These visitors develop lasting memories based on their yearly trips to our scenic mountain town. The City of Asheville runs the US Cellular Center and the Thomas Wolfe Auditorium. Patrons of both arenas can order food, soda, cocktails, beer and wine at concession stands located throughout each venue. Alcohol sales are high during these big events and require responsible alcohol service and bartenders that know how to hustle.

Ok, so imagine you’re at one of these shows and you find yourself thirsty for a cold one. You pay for your awesome, local craft beer. You leave $1 or $2 a for the person who poured your beverage. Do you assume your $1 is for the person who served you?

Workers that are busy pouring beer, making change and managing the crowds are forced to tell you they can’t accept your kind tip. This holds up the line for service and patrons are often confused and annoyed. Sometimes guests insist and walk away. Workers were made to sign a document acknowledging that if they were caught accepting any tip, they could be fired.
Of course, we know good folks still leave tips for direct service. Sometimes there are tip jars out, sometimes not.

At the launch of this campaign, workers report they receive NO CASH TIPS even as they are being collected. It’s bad customer service if patrons want to tip and can’t. It is also a combative policy to workers that fear job loss if they accept a tip.

We need tip transparency at the US Cellular Center/Thomas Wolfe Auditorium and these workers deserve their tips. Join our campaign by signing this petition for change. Thanks for your support!!

How it will be delivered

We will be bringing the petition to the next meeting of the Civic Center Commission in May.





2018-01-09 11:28:28 -0500

Check out Alia's new column about this campaign: "Where do your cash tips go? In Asheville, it might not be where you think"

2017-12-07 10:38:09 -0500

1,000 signatures reached

2017-12-01 11:29:40 -0500

500 signatures reached

2017-03-07 09:49:37 -0500

100 signatures reached

2017-03-02 08:08:22 -0500

50 signatures reached

2017-03-01 19:01:01 -0500

25 signatures reached

2017-03-01 18:00:25 -0500

10 signatures reached