To: Wal-Mart

Install sharps disposal boxes in Wal-Mart bathrooms

I want Wal-Marts across the state to install sharps disposal boxes in every restroom on the property.

Why is this important?

First and foremost, this is important for the safety of the employees who remove trash from the restrooms and anyone who uses those trash cans. Due to lack of proper disposal areas, people all too often are throwing away used needles in the trash... sometimes without the caps on exposing the used needle tip to anyone who's hand enters the trash receptacle! These needles pose a MAJOR RISK to the public who may come accross syringes in the restrooms garbage cans, parking lot garbage cans, and on the ground throughout the property. Coming into contact with one of these syringes would expose someone to Hep-C, HIV, and many other life threatening diseases. We cannot stop people from injecting drugs. But we CAN give them a safe public location to dispose of their used syringes that does NOT put anyone at risk of being poked. Just because you may not have seen a syringe on the Wal-Mart property does NOT mean they are not there. This is a major public safety concern and the only reasonable answer is to install sharps containers throughout our local Wal-Mart store restrooms.
