25 signatures reached
To: 12th Ward Alderman George Cardenas
George Cardenas - Hands off our Democracy!
We the undersigned don't want our democracy tampered with, and we are upset that you are wasting taxpayer dollars and playing legal games just because you want to run unopposed for 12th Ward Alderman. Democracy means having options, and we insist that you respect our right to have a choice on February 24th. Therefore, we hereby request that you:
1) Instruct your lawyer to withdraw the baseless and wasteful challenges to candidate Pete DeMay’s petition signatures. 12th Ward residents want democracy on Election Day - not dictatorship. Stop hiding behind your lawyer and make your case to voters in the 12th Ward instead.
2) Provide a detailed accounting of your staff’s time to Legislative Inspector General Faisal Khan. Chicagoans deserve to know how much of your re-election campaign is being run on our dime.
1) Instruct your lawyer to withdraw the baseless and wasteful challenges to candidate Pete DeMay’s petition signatures. 12th Ward residents want democracy on Election Day - not dictatorship. Stop hiding behind your lawyer and make your case to voters in the 12th Ward instead.
2) Provide a detailed accounting of your staff’s time to Legislative Inspector General Faisal Khan. Chicagoans deserve to know how much of your re-election campaign is being run on our dime.
Why is this important?
George Cardenas wants to run unopposed in February because of his poor record as Alderman in the 12th Ward. That's why he is paying a pricey, connected lawyer in a desperate attempt to get challenger Pete DeMay knocked off of the ballot. Now, Cook County must pay election judges for days or even weeks while Cardenas' camp rolls out their ridiculous case. To make matters worse, Cardenas' Ward staff (including the Chief of Staff) is now dedicating their time to the petition challenges rather than doing their jobs for the people of the 12th Ward.
How it will be delivered
In person