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To: Rodney McMullen, Kroger CEO

Fight for $15 at Kroger!

Kroger made $2.4 billion in profits last year alone. We all worked hard to achieve record profits yet already-rich executives like you seem to be the only ones benefiting. Kroger gave you a 17% pay raise last year, bringing your total pay up to $11.2 million. Yet many of us struggle to pay the bills on poverty wages.

Our hard work makes Kroger successful. We deserve to share in that success. We deserve $15 an hour at Kroger.

Why is this important?

I make $9.01 after two years at Kroger. Every month I struggle to make ends meet. I'm tired waiting for someone else to do it for me. McDonald's and Walmart workers have already won big pay increases by standing up and fighting for $15. It's time for Kroger workers to do the same. I'm ready to fight for $15, are you?



2017-08-10 11:06:58 -0400

10 signatures reached