1,000 signatures reached
To: UChicago Central HR
Demand UChicago HR keep their word and rehire Ishaan Anavkar without delay!

When Ishaan Anavkar was terminated from his job as South Asian Cataloging Specialist in Technical Services at the library this past summer, UChicago HR gave a verbal promise to rehire him as soon as possible.
Ishaan furnished all required documents on time, but the rehiring process has been drawn out beyond justification, and remains held up at central HR with no end in sight.
Because of how the termination was handled, Ishaan lost his income, health insurance, and visa status—all of which has cost him over $15,000 in the hope that UChicago HR will keep its word.
Ishaan furnished all required documents on time, but the rehiring process has been drawn out beyond justification, and remains held up at central HR with no end in sight.
Because of how the termination was handled, Ishaan lost his income, health insurance, and visa status—all of which has cost him over $15,000 in the hope that UChicago HR will keep its word.
Faculty and students at UChicago and around the country understand the importance to their research and scholarship of the second-to-none South Asia holdings at UChicago library being properly classified.
Those who have worked closely with Ishaan hold his work in the highest regard, and attest that he possesses the highly specialized skills and dedication worthy of this world-class collection.
Those who have worked closely with Ishaan hold his work in the highest regard, and attest that he possesses the highly specialized skills and dedication worthy of this world-class collection.
We urge UChicago central HR to keep their word, and rehire Ishaan without delay.
Why is this important?
Faculty and students at UChicago and around the country understand the importance to their research and scholarship of the second-to-none South Asia holdings at UChicago library being properly classified.
Those who have worked closely with Ishaan hold his work in the highest regard, and attest that he possesses the highly specialized skills and dedication worthy of this world-class collection.
Those who have worked closely with Ishaan hold his work in the highest regard, and attest that he possesses the highly specialized skills and dedication worthy of this world-class collection.