To: Vice President of Pharmacy Operations; Hospital Safety Officer; Hospital CEO

Critical Need for Increased Employee Assistance During High Hospital Census: Pharmacy Department

To Whom It May Concern:

We are writing to explain the grave necessity for increased pharmacy employee assistance on second shift during times of high census. Concord Hospital research on order data conducted in December 2014 has shattered the illusion that the skeleton crew model used on second shift is an appropriate staffing model due to the volume of work we complete. We complete the same number of order as first shift, but work with 5 less pharmacists and 4 less technicians.

Additionally, medication and order errors have occurred more frequently on second shift than during first shift, as evidenced by the FY2014 Report from the CH Medication Safety Officer. NPTA (2015) recently released a studying indicating that medication errors are on the rise as a consequence of overworked, understaffed working conditions. Furthermore, medication errors are most commonly caused by employees having multiple tasks to complete at once. Given the potential serious and life-threatening consequences of medication errors, this issue is of paramount importance.

Although providing us with food and snacks during times of high census helps boost staff morale, it does not address the pressing safety concerns associated with staff members having too much work on their plates. We are rallying to request a minimum of one extra pharmacist and pharmacy technician on second shift during times of high census.

Why is this important?

As stated, patient safety is the primary motivation behind this petition.
